girls gon deny this and these fake woke niggas gon act like this don't happen
aight if quavo was wrong these twitter replies would make me side with him just cause of how annoying some of these tweets are
the real question is would women on twitter ever defend their male relatives or are men just wrong no matter what
I hate the internet so much: real af
the real question is would women on twitter ever defend their male relatives or are men just wrong no matter what
@Wonderful How do you feel about men?
apparrently some publications are removing the footage where she swung on him first.
These type of a***ogies rarely ever make sense.
Like my mom's could be completely in the wrong beating a nigga with a bat and he slightly pushes her
I'm still taking my mom's side
This is exactly how I'm currently laying in bed, minus the garbage.
My mother wouldn't take somebody else's suitcse
If she would do it, we couldn't blame the man for trying to get it back, even though it would be infuriating to see her like this.
the real question is would women on twitter ever defend their male relatives or are men just wrong no matter what
Men are wrong unless they're right, which in that case they're still wrong.
apparrently some publications are removing the footage where she swung on him first.
wow really?
dead. to protect her more
f*** these hoes and their wellbeing
Quavo this you b you been in this thread mad asl like you’re personally involved
Wow I feel personal attacked