I'm actually being serious this time. Please I hope you've sought healing from your trauma my brotha.
stop posting this bullshit pic bro im tryna read the f***in thread
stop posting this bullshit pic bro im tryna read the f***in thread
tell these niggas to stop posting bullshit then.
Why would you take that bet with Curry out
man i aint even know that nigga was out
Yikes bruh, praying for anyone women that might get involved in your life
You sound like the braindead twitter b****es who resort to gaslighting and name calling when someone tries to be logical
He clearly didn't cheat on her. Don't be so gullible.
you not finna sit up here and call somebody gullible just because they think f***ing Quavo cheated are you fam?
If Chris Brown still has a viable career and R. Kelly still has tons of fans, this won't put a dent in Quavo in the long run.
Quavo isn't even close in terms of talent and his popularity already fell off
Was there any evidence that says he didn't cheat on her?
Any evidence to suggest he did? Other than the words of a woman who had already been dumped- and proven herself to be a trashy individual on many occasions.
The only thing that's even confirmed about the whole thing is that Quavo likes Call Of Duty
tell these niggas to stop posting bullshit then.
ur just as bad u high horse mf
Feel free to pray, I was in a relationship with an abusive woman for years and there was always people like you willing to make every excuse in the book for her because “you must have done something to deserve it” and “look how big you are compared to her”. And when I tried to leave her, it was the same business. It was her putting her hands on me and her grabbing all my luggage as I tried to leave.
So allow me to pray for you and hope you don’t get in a relationship with a woman who’s abusive ways you’ll be so quick to make excuses for.
feel you bruh. been there. still am. s*** sucks. shawty in my crib wouldn't leave. constant abuse. If I try to evict her I'm the bad guy
nice try bro
No I'd think she'd be bitter that he cheated on her...
More likely she cheated, men would never go out in the world and say their girl cheated
What she say?
Sounds like a bunch of blah
If he not paying your bills
If he not buying u a birkin (overpriced designer bag)
Then throw that nigga back to the streets
She trying to be cute but really just comes off as shallow
You sound like the braindead twitter b****es who resort to gaslighting and name calling when someone tries to be logical
You're the one gaslighting and calling me brain dead.
Yall resort to these name calling bullshit it's easy to see who the emotional ones are.
Any evidence to suggest he did? Other than the words of a woman who had already been dumped- and proven herself to be a trashy individual on many occasions.
So why are you acting like you know their relationship enough to say without question nobody cheated, after she alleges that he did.