it's sad to see so many black women hate black men
Stay away from those internet social media circles
It will poison your perception of this world
There aren't enough irl experiences to make up for the filth that lies there, trust
idk about this but ya she toxic af really is
but you keep spamming that therapy pic to someone just trying to share his story of being in an abusive relationship
I was being sincere with that one.
Lil Dave been an a****** this entire thread so yeah, you get what you give.
she really is
fr I watch that with my jaw on the floor the whole time
Feel free to pray, I was in a relationship with an abusive woman for years and there was always people like you willing to make every excuse in the book for her because “you must have done something to deserve it” and “look how big you are compared to her”. And when I tried to leave her, it was the same business. It was her putting her hands on me and her grabbing all my luggage as I tried to leave.
So allow me to pray for you and hope you don’t get in a relationship with a woman who’s abusive ways you’ll be so quick to make excuses for.
facts. a lot of guys here would be made into b****es not realizing their girl is toxic or abusive
She just got dumped. And everyone was calling her trash and a hoe for her own admission that she would have a train ran on her and that she stayed with a man for money.
How do you flip that and try to get sympathy? Make yourself look like the victim.
If he cheated the woman would have come forward by now too. All these blogs would have paid her huge money.
Again, you're speaking as if you know everything about their situation.
"She just.."
"Everyone was.."
"If he..."
Don't call me 'gullible' for thinking he cheated after she alleges he did and he never responded.
idk about this but ya she toxic af tryna watch this lemme get the summary
not tryna watch this lemme get the summary
she basically says that women deserve to be pampered 24/7 and men should be grateful that women give them s**
it's sad to see so many black women hate black men
It’s really crazy. No other race of women hate their men as much as bitter black women
Saweetie needs therapy, if she is having PTSD from someone dissing her freestyle she is not fit to be in a relationship. These hoes isn’t gonna bring that up though.
hopefully she wasn't really getting abused cause what's bout to roll out next gon be alot
It’s really crazy. No other race of women hate their men as much as bitter black women
yeah. this thread's ran it's course lol.
Feel free to pray, I was in a relationship with an abusive woman for years and there was always people like you willing to make every excuse in the book for her because “you must have done something to deserve it” and “look how big you are compared to her”. And when I tried to leave her, it was the same business. It was her putting her hands on me and her grabbing all my luggage as I tried to leave.
So allow me to pray for you and hope you don’t get in a relationship with a woman who’s abusive ways you’ll be so quick to make excuses for.
As someone that's been with an abusive female I feel this 100%. My girl was physically bigger than me, left scars on my body, scratches all over my face, literally tried to stab me to death, decked me in my jaw muktip times, and people still saw it as a joke. When the cops came to a call I was bloody all over from her, and yet I was the one searched, ran, and asked to leave the premises everyone told them we both lived at together. She would make me seem like a bad person or an abuser for simply defending myself.
I worked with all women, whenever something happened to me it was funny and hilarious. But when a girl who worked with us boyfriend picked her up and took her out the house she had nothing but sympathy. It's disgusting how men are treated in these situations. And it's disgusting these people that will defend a woman no matter what.
yeah. this thread's ran it's course lol.
watch the twitter video I linked
went from saweetie and quavo to "no one hates men in their own race more than bitter black women"
went from saweetie and quavo to "no one hates men in their own race more than bitter black women"
As someone that's been with an abusive female I feel this 100%. My girl was physically bigger than me, left scars on my body, scratches all over my face, literally tried to stab me to death, decked me in my jaw muktip times, and people still saw it as a joke. When the cops came to a call I was bloody all over from her, and yet I was the one searched, ran, and asked to leave the premises everyone told them we both lived at together. She would make me seem like a bad person or an abuser for simply defending myself.
I worked with all women, whenever something happened to me it was funny and hilarious. But when a girl who worked with us boyfriend picked her up and took her out the house she had nothing but sympathy. It's disgusting how men are treated in these situations. And it's disgusting these people that will defend a woman no matter what.
Sorry that happened to you fr