  • Nov 15, 2019
    1 reply

    Sorry you had to go through that s*** fam 🙏🏾 hope it’s gotten better these days

    I only came to terms with my sexuality recently thanks to a really cute dude and I’m still closeted to most of my close fam and friends until I fully understand myself but at this point in my life I don’t give af about others opinions and don’t expect to be phased much

    It's all good man :) nobody can say or do anything to me these days and I'm past all of it

    I'm roughly the same boat, my sexuality isn't even a big deal to me. I just find lgbtq+ people to be more in tune and conscientious of themselves on here - also just complete sweethearts

  • Nov 15, 2019

    I feel you, it’s really imo that psychologically heterosexual people feel attacked somehow like you’ve betrayed them or done something extremely wrong and they feel entitled to controlling this part of your life. It’s f***ed up honestly

    It really is. Worst part is the day after I came out one of our friends tried to come on to me crazy when we were alone one day and no one believes me they think I’m tryna slander him, crazy stuff

  • Nov 15, 2019
    1 reply

    Just take it easy and see if they come around to being more understanding. Hell, I myself was homophobic as s*** before realizing what was really up with myself ngl

    So was I tbh and I still use the F word if I gotta lmao obv not towards LGBT but I’ll def drop it if I’m mad enough.

  • Nov 15, 2019

    It's all good man :) nobody can say or do anything to me these days and I'm past all of it

    I'm roughly the same boat, my sexuality isn't even a big deal to me. I just find lgbtq+ people to be more in tune and conscientious of themselves on here - also just complete sweethearts

    So real @ all statements

    Especially the last, and I feel bad for all the f***ed up s*** I've thought in the past about queer people but through art and conversation I've like truly been in tune with myself and eased into the reality of things. With the help of some nice people, way better than the uppity and always arguing, spewing bullshit old group of people I f***ed with.

  • Nov 15, 2019
    1 reply

    So was I tbh and I still use the F word if I gotta lmao obv not towards LGBT but I’ll def drop it if I’m mad enough.

    Me and the guy I talk to call each other f** all the time but not in a hateful way which is kind of ironic and almost silly cause I used to put so much evil behind the word now the s*** feels empowering lol

  • Nov 15, 2019

    Me and the guy I talk to call each other f** all the time but not in a hateful way which is kind of ironic and almost silly cause I used to put so much evil behind the word now the s*** feels empowering lol

    Real s***, I just use it at peak anger cause I know that hits straight niggas in the soul

  • Nov 15, 2019
    2 replies

    On another note should I try this long distance relationship thing? I know for almost 100% fact they won’t cheat and I’m high key in love. It would only be like 3 months till I’m back what y’all think

  • Nov 15, 2019
    1 reply

    On another note should I try this long distance relationship thing? I know for almost 100% fact they won’t cheat and I’m high key in love. It would only be like 3 months till I’m back what y’all think

    How old are you?

    I've had semi-successful LDR in the past (with women) but they're not that easy unless you're financially stable and eventually willing to close the gap permanently. If you just in it for the fun then go for it but to maintain a serious one is near impossible

  • Nov 15, 2019
    1 reply

    How old are you?

    I've had semi-successful LDR in the past (with women) but they're not that easy unless you're financially stable and eventually willing to close the gap permanently. If you just in it for the fun then go for it but to maintain a serious one is near impossible

    This is the only person I want I just don’t know if he feels the same. But he does say he wants something serious and he’s extremely loyal and sensitive. I’m bout to be 22 he’s 19. I’m worried about the age gap and that he’ll decide he wants to go a different direction

  • Nov 15, 2019
    1 reply

    On another note should I try this long distance relationship thing? I know for almost 100% fact they won’t cheat and I’m high key in love. It would only be like 3 months till I’m back what y’all think

    3 months is a long time i don’t think it’s gonna work to be honest

  • Nov 15, 2019
    1 reply

    3 months is a long time i don’t think it’s gonna work to be honest

    I shouldn’t say 3 more like I’ll be back for a week or 2 in January same in March and June then come back for good at the end of the summer, it’s unrealistic typing it out but I just want him

  • Nov 15, 2019

    This is the only person I want I just don’t know if he feels the same. But he does say he wants something serious and he’s extremely loyal and sensitive. I’m bout to be 22 he’s 19. I’m worried about the age gap and that he’ll decide he wants to go a different direction

    xay might be right, but if it seems worth it to you go for it. Young enough to take these kinda risks but as you get older I think those way more difficult to maintain

  • Nov 15, 2019
    1 reply

    I shouldn’t say 3 more like I’ll be back for a week or 2 in January same in March and June then come back for good at the end of the summer, it’s unrealistic typing it out but I just want him

    It sounds good that you’re gonna see him for periods of time throughout but it kinda seems more of a side piece thing you know lol, but if you like him and feel that same energy why not take the risk. i never had any luck with ldrs though and it’s not in my plans anytime soon

  • Nov 15, 2019

    It sounds good that you’re gonna see him for periods of time throughout but it kinda seems more of a side piece thing you know lol, but if you like him and feel that same energy why not take the risk. i never had any luck with ldrs though and it’s not in my plans anytime soon

    S*** I even thought about offering to just be mine while I’m out there 😭 but I’m tellin you he’s different like extremely loyal from all accounts so I’m like torn idk ima talk to him tmr gl for the advice bro and @dior

  • Nov 15, 2019
    1 reply

    I just never been this attracted to someone male or female it sucks

  • Nov 15, 2019
    1 reply

    I just never been this attracted to someone male or female it sucks

    Distance is really hard tbh, but it's doable imo. You both just really need to be on the same page about what you want and be communicating that with each other.

    My last relationship had a 3 month distance time and it didn't survive. We'd only been dating for a few weeks beforehand though so we didn't have an established relationship already (which really helps imo), and we were both young and not ready for something like that.

    It's definitely a lot of work but if you both are commited to making the relationship happen I don't think distance (which seems pretty finite from your other posts) is going to stop it.

  • Nov 15, 2019

    Distance is really hard tbh, but it's doable imo. You both just really need to be on the same page about what you want and be communicating that with each other.

    My last relationship had a 3 month distance time and it didn't survive. We'd only been dating for a few weeks beforehand though so we didn't have an established relationship already (which really helps imo), and we were both young and not ready for something like that.

    It's definitely a lot of work but if you both are commited to making the relationship happen I don't think distance (which seems pretty finite from your other posts) is going to stop it.

    This how I feel bro, and I’m not just simpin when I say he’s extremely loyal, I’m just worried cause he’s so good looking I feel like someone better than me will come along and he’ll break it off. I know he likes me a lot but idk if it’s as much as I do to him

  • Nov 15, 2019

    And if all goes well once my moneys right I’ll fly him out no cap man

  • Nov 15, 2019

    I feel you, it’s really imo that psychologically heterosexual people feel attacked somehow like you’ve betrayed them or done something extremely wrong and they feel entitled to controlling this part of your life. It’s f***ed up honestly

    It really is like that though, they'll try and tell you all sorts of things about yourself and when you get independence and they don't have that control anymore they're so volatile

  • Nov 16, 2019

    What do you guys think about gays that really like straight guys? Always found that weird tbh

  • Nov 16, 2019

  • Nov 16, 2019

    Have a good day everyone

  • Nov 16, 2019
    3 replies

    just ghosted this cd femboy who wanted to hook up with me after sending me nudes this morning from what im guessing

    i was h**** and swiped on him on tinder but after i got my nut off after looking at what he sent me i didn't really have any interest of doing anything with him so i did what i feel like i had to do

    did i f*** up, i feel kinda bad about this
