Is it okay if I post a gofundme here? My girlfriend has been losing work due to carona and and needed money for HRT and other bills, and her father offered to give her money ONLY IF she went down to Oklahoma to see him in person to reconnect. Her father is far right and doesn't think covid was serious dragging her around to different restaurants with him and her grandfather. sometime after she got home she got a notice that her grandfather tested positive for carona, and her mom at home with her starting showing symptoms likely gotten from her, Loss of taste and smell, coughing, nausea, and fever. She is likey the one to give it to her mom so she cannot go to work as she is most likely also has the virus. Partial unemployment is running out so she will be falling behind on a lot of her bills and apartment. I'm not posting the link until I know it's okay to do so. Sorry It's just that It's not something I can just post on facebook when living in Kansas a lot of the people there would not approve of her.
Been tempted to tell a friend I’m bi 👀 nervous though
Just do it I’m straight so idk how nervous your must be feeling but if they’re a good they should be fine with it unless they’ve said some wild homophobe s*** before in which case pick a different friend to tell
Just do it I’m straight so idk how nervous your must be feeling but if they’re a good they should be fine with it unless they’ve said some wild homophobe s*** before in which case pick a different friend to tell
Thanks I plan on doing so next time wr chillin after I get back from the beach
Is it okay if I post a gofundme here? My girlfriend has been losing work due to carona and and needed money for HRT and other bills, and her father offered to give her money ONLY IF she went down to Oklahoma to see him in person to reconnect. Her father is far right and doesn't think covid was serious dragging her around to different restaurants with him and her grandfather. sometime after she got home she got a notice that her grandfather tested positive for carona, and her mom at home with her starting showing symptoms likely gotten from her, Loss of taste and smell, coughing, nausea, and fever. She is likey the one to give it to her mom so she cannot go to work as she is most likely also has the virus. Partial unemployment is running out so she will be falling behind on a lot of her bills and apartment. I'm not posting the link until I know it's okay to do so. Sorry It's just that It's not something I can just post on facebook when living in Kansas a lot of the people there would not approve of her.
Idk why no one responded to this but yes please post it, i’ll share it everywhere personally
Idk why no one responded to this but yes please post it, i’ll share it everywhere personally
Always feel like I'd piss someone off for asking for money online so I always gotta ask before I post.
To put it as short as I can, My girlfriend was running low on money due to losing work because of covid (she's in-home caretaker for the elderly), Needed money for rent, and HRT. dad offered to give her money to keep up with bills but ONLY if she visits him in Oklahoma at his lake house during the same week of the trump rally, dragged her around to crowded restaurants. She came back with covid and wasn't able to work for awhile. She's still low on hours because of covid, but she was getting her cna to get a job that pays more. Contracting covid means she had to delay the test, and even though she got the okay to go back to work by the county's health department the school has decided to delay her test by over a month so she can't get a nursing job that would get her the hours and wages she'd need to get by.
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dating culture is annoying sometimes i want a partner but men just want to f*** right now and women don’t respond
i want a girl but i also want a man
Go with whatever your heart leads to ❤️
i want a girl but i also want a man
Girls are a nice dessert but boys are the main course
Go with whatever your heart leads to ❤️
my heart wants to nurture but also wants to be nurtured
i want a girl but i also want a man
go find yourself a drag queen !
dating culture is annoying sometimes i want a partner but men just want to f*** right now and women don’t respond
You gotta find yourself the right f*** buddy. I'm in a relationship with a great guy for over 5 years that started off as an occasional hook up situation and the relationship gradually elevated from there.