These are my S tier Tarantino movies
Reservoir dogs
Pulp fiction
The hateful 8
Inglourous basterds
replace hateful 8 with kill bill as a single film and yeah
My top 3 is
Inglorious basterds
Jackie brown
But tbh… some days Once Upon slips in the top 3
PTA said he never gets writers block
Hope the next one isn't licorice pedo vibes
My top 3 is
Inglorious basterds
Jackie brown
But tbh… some days Once Upon slips in the top 3
Once upon a time was pretty good until that final act.
The number isn’t arbitrary. He knows his limits and has been consistent about them for over 2 decades. I trust the guy to make the right decisions for his art and himself.
Ngl I am sorta glad he's not ending his career on a movie like that. Would have probably liked it like all his others but I feel like he should do something different than OUATIH as his final flick.
My dream would be something in the vein of either Kill Bill or Inglourious Basterds, or a horror movie.
Ngl I am sorta glad he's not ending his career on a movie like that. Would have probably liked it like all his others but I feel like he should do something different than OUATIH as his final flick.
My dream would be something in the vein of either Kill Bill or Inglourious Basterds, or a horror movie.
my vote is for Kill Bill 3 still
replace hateful 8 with kill bill as a single film and yeah
Hateful 8>>>>>>> reservoir dogs
Reservoir dogs was good for what it was but it was cheap and raw with alot of meh in between the standout scenes. Too little of Mr blonde too
this is a good choice. was not a fan of move critic, especially now knowing its a OUATIH prequel.
Bro should have just never said that s***. If ten was his number just keep it to himself, feels like he unnecessarily made external stakes.
this is a good choice. was not a fan of move critic, especially now knowing its a OUATIH prequel.
I don’t think it was a prequel. He scrapped Movie critic to start working on a Hollywood prequel/sequel and then also scrapped that recently
when i found out his wife is Israelian and they live in Tel-aviv sometimes