You think they’re that different? It’s just 1 movie split in half due to time length
I feel like each movie has a clear cut structure to it and there's a different flavor to the story in the 2nd. But my main rationale is that it was marketed as 2 movies and released a year apart iirc lol.
If I were in his shoes and I'm this self-conscious about my legacy I'd just recognize the Kill Bills as seperate movies and go out on OUATIH. That's a hell of a final film, clearly his best imo.
I feel like each movie has a clear cut structure to it and there's a different flavor to the story in the 2nd. But my main rationale is that it was marketed as 2 movies and released a year apart iirc lol.
Yeah that was due to Weinstein. He wrote and made the movie as 1 film. But studios b****ed about it being too long and made him slice it in half so they could have 2 films to market.
1 was very anime and over the top action focused
2 was more spaghetti western and alot more focus on Tarantinos style of characters and dialogue
That’s just the structure of one long ass film
That’s just the structure of one long ass film
Idk the difference in tone and style is pretty massive and I'm sure it was intentional
Idk the difference in tone and style is pretty massive and I'm sure it was intentional
Yeah I mean a lot of Asian films, which he was inspired by has big tonal changes midway through. Especially Korean films.
Any midpoint switch was intentional cus it was written, shot and editing as one movie.
Yeah I mean a lot of Asian films, which he was inspired by has big tonal changes midway through. Especially Korean films.
Any midpoint switch was intentional cus it was written, shot and editing as one movie.
Like the matrix reloaded and revolutions only without the finale/2nd half sucking part
Part one so bright colorful stylish and fast paced
Part 2 so colorless, gritty and rugged (my favorite of the 2)
Lmao I’m noticing a lot of “I ain’t never like the idea to begin wit”….yall was real silent prior to it getting scrapped tho
Cause there was nothing to talk about
I’m just talking some s***, saying that the idea for the movie was boring so there was nothing worth talking about
I’m just talking some s***, saying that the idea for the movie was boring so there was nothing worth talking about
lol I mean just that “damn this idea sounds boring”….just saying in the last thread is was a bunch of ppl acting hyped af
If I were in his shoes and I'm this self-conscious about my legacy I'd just recognize the Kill Bills as seperate movies and go out on OUATIH. That's a hell of a final film, clearly his best imo.
you get it...literally can't imagine him topping OUATIH tbh. it just feels right
Down to see some nic cage, oscar isaac, Julia garner, Sydney sweeney, Jeremy strong, and/or Javier bardem in a qt flick
the ironic thing is he gave himself that arbitrary cut-off point because he thinks that directors age out of making good films and so he wants a finite, "perfect" filmography. if he spends too much time deliberating over the last one he could find himself doing the very thing he feared.
Exactly. The problem with trying to make an “epic masterpiece” is it rarely gets pulled off in a satisfactory manner to the creator. It’s much better to have an idea that is simple yet deeply personal so that it is relatable.
iirc he actually said he wanted once upon a time to be his epic final masterpiece and for the movie critic to be a smaller "epilogue" film. guessing he still sees it that way and he just didn't think it was good enough of an epilogue? who knows.
I wonder where Tarantino’s confidence level is at rn. Idk if he’s jinxing himself and over thinking this whole “this my last film, I gotta call it quits before I fall off” thing.
the ten-film limit was intended entirely to prevent him from making fall-off movies. I don't really like that personally, a lot of film makers i like get really old and end up making movies that are duds, but also a lot of interesting films. guess tarantino is an "A+ on every assignment or I failed" kinda guy tho.
iirc he actually said he wanted once upon a time to be his epic final masterpiece and for the movie critic to be a smaller "epilogue" film. guessing he still sees it that way and he just didn't think it was good enough of an epilogue? who knows.
Yup he said his last won’t be an epic like Hollywood, that THAT was the climax
the ten-film limit was intended entirely to prevent him from making fall-off movies. I don't really like that personally, a lot of film makers i like get really old and end up making movies that are duds, but also a lot of interesting films. guess tarantino is an "A+ on every assignment or I failed" kinda guy tho.
I’m sure he knows he didn’t get an A+ with Death Proof. Still enjoyed it a good amount but he doesn’t have a perfect filmography so he has to get that out of his head
I’m sure he knows he didn’t get an A+ with Death Proof. Still enjoyed it a good amount but he doesn’t have a perfect filmography so he has to get that out of his head
only films I personally love from him are the hateful 8 and inglorious basterds, but yeah death proof does stick out a bit from the rest in terms of contributing to the "10 masterpieces" angle.
only films I personally love from him are the hateful 8 and inglorious basterds, but yeah death proof does stick out a bit from the rest in terms of contributing to the "10 masterpieces" angle.
Still impressive as hell. While you can argue hateful 8 and inglorious. You have a lot who will argue Pulp as his best. You have some who hold kill bill as a top 3. I like artist who has a bunch of work that can be argued as their favorite
Still impressive as hell. While you can argue hateful 8 and inglorious. You have a lot who will argue Pulp as his best. You have some who hold kill bill as a top 3. I like artist who has a bunch of work that can be argued as their favorite
Yeah I wouldn't deny his greatness. I can tell his other films are really good, just not for me, if that makes sense.