  • Dec 1, 2019

    This will come off as an extremely rookie question lmao, but when a game has a + button command ie; X + O or A + B, does it generally mean to press them at the same time, or to press the first button THEN the second very rapidly? For years I always basically pressed both at the same time and it generally works, but what raised this question for me is I been playing Super Mario Odyssey, and to do a long jump, you need to press ZL + Y. I was pressing them at the same time and it would only work half the time. Sometimes he would ground pound and others he would throw his hat, so this made some of the more advanced platforming sections stupid frustrating. I then learned that you press ZL first then very quickly “slide” into Y and it works every time now.

    So is that in general what games mean on a + command? Would also explain why I’m so garbage at fighting games since they rely on them and I always press both buttons at the same time lmao.

  • Dec 1, 2019

    Depends on the game, but from my experience it mostly means press one after the other quickly.

  • Dec 1, 2019

    Yea it depends on the game like water giver said. In Odyssey you’re gonna want to do it one after another. But in Bayonetta, for example, to trigger torture attacks you do it at the same time.

    Edit: also odyssey has probably some of the best, if not the best Mario controls out of all of them. You just have to play around with it.

    In virtually all video games I play the first thing i do before I get deep in a game is play around with how a character controllers. How they move, what there attacks are like.

  • Dec 1, 2019

    Usually it means u press them at the same time.

    Only times ive seen this not be true is when u have to hold the first button.