  • Feb 6, 2022

    I feel a different and deeper connection to men. I mean this non-physically, girls can't provide everything I want from a relationship. I feel like I have to play a certain role with them, which I never really feel with a guy. But beyond that it's not too different.

  • Feb 6, 2022
    1 reply

    Say that you a lesbian, girl, me too

  • Feb 6, 2022

    no it’s way different and i view women in a higher light than men but i am also not romantically attracted to men so idk

  • Feb 6, 2022
    1 reply

    Totally agree as a man dating men you realize most men and i mean most aren’t attractive at all and are pretty much undateable

    Like they all just come off extremely weird and make me uncomfortable

    For you what makes them undatable?

  • Feb 6, 2022
    1 reply

    For you what makes them undatable?

    Most men like try to be something like they have a facade and you can clearly tell it’s a facade

    Like bro just be a normal person talk to me

    The acting and stuff is just like a complete turn off from the jump

    and also I only like men who are mostly neutral in how they present not to fem or masc, super fem guys are weird to me and like f***ing with a masc 6’4 nfl looking nigga is scary to me

    Also all the other s*** women be complaining about hygiene not being good people not bringing anything to the relationship etc

  • Feb 6, 2022
    1 reply

    Most men like try to be something like they have a facade and you can clearly tell it’s a facade

    Like bro just be a normal person talk to me

    The acting and stuff is just like a complete turn off from the jump

    and also I only like men who are mostly neutral in how they present not to fem or masc, super fem guys are weird to me and like f***ing with a masc 6’4 nfl looking nigga is scary to me

    Also all the other s*** women be complaining about hygiene not being good people not bringing anything to the relationship etc

    Gotcha thanks. I wonder what’s up with the facade thing, not the first time I’ve heard it or thought about it as a dude myself. U think u’ve ever had a facade when dating?

    U black btw?

  • Feb 6, 2022
    1 reply

    Gotcha thanks. I wonder what’s up with the facade thing, not the first time I’ve heard it or thought about it as a dude myself. U think u’ve ever had a facade when dating?

    U black btw?

    Pretty sure the facade thing has something to do with performing masculinity and the patriarchy and men feeling inadequate that type of stuff

    As a man it’s kinda hard not to think that I have to perform and be cool for women

    And i do think when i was younger like 16 i might’ve tried it but I live life by just being me unapologetically and living with the outcome

    I’m a pretty out there person I think so it’s kinda difficult for me to perform in a “cool guy” type Of way also hurts

    And yes I am African American

  • Feb 6, 2022

    being bi has made me understand that I'm the problem

  • GottaGloUp1Day

    Say that you a lesbian, girl, me too

    She not a lesbian for 🅿️ she turn 🅿️esbian

  • Feb 6, 2022

    being bi has made me understand that I'm the problem

  • Feb 6, 2022

    @ lgbt sxn

  • Feb 6, 2022
    1 reply

    Pretty sure the facade thing has something to do with performing masculinity and the patriarchy and men feeling inadequate that type of stuff

    As a man it’s kinda hard not to think that I have to perform and be cool for women

    And i do think when i was younger like 16 i might’ve tried it but I live life by just being me unapologetically and living with the outcome

    I’m a pretty out there person I think so it’s kinda difficult for me to perform in a “cool guy” type Of way also hurts

    And yes I am African American

    This facts but the same holds true for girls. I wouldn’t say anybody is putting up more of a facade it’s just expressed in different ways

  • Feb 6, 2022

    A majority of men are stupid, selfish, and extremely h**** on both ends of the spectrum of sexuality. Or they’re not aware that other men are like this at all

    Mostly white men but no one is safe

    Yo this s*** really just a universal problem lawl

  • wish I could be bi but I’m straight as a #2 pencil so I have to deal with just women

    can’t live without em tho, they are beautiful disasters

  • Feb 6, 2022
    2 replies

    This facts but the same holds true for girls. I wouldn’t say anybody is putting up more of a facade it’s just expressed in different ways

    Women def put up a facade but there’s is like way more harmless and as a man you pretty much can get her comfortable with you and she’ll drop that immediately

    Women acting all cutesy and nice is cute and funny

    Men trying to act like they’re hard or the richest coolest nigga ever is f***ing annoying

  • Feb 6, 2022
    1 reply

    Women def put up a facade but there’s is like way more harmless and as a man you pretty much can get her comfortable with you and she’ll drop that immediately

    Women acting all cutesy and nice is cute and funny

    Men trying to act like they’re hard or the richest coolest nigga ever is f***ing annoying

    . I agree men got a higher ceiling to be more toxic because we involve violence & things of that nature. I don’t agree w the conclusion tho. Seeing through somebody’s act is one thing, them dropping it is different. Think it’s pretty even.

  • Feb 6, 2022
    1 reply

    . I agree men got a higher ceiling to be more toxic because we involve violence & things of that nature. I don’t agree w the conclusion tho. Seeing through somebody’s act is one thing, them dropping it is different. Think it’s pretty even.

    you dont agree with that conclusion cause you never have or will ever live it lmao.

  • Feb 6, 2022

    straight men telling queer men/straight women what they're wrong about when it comes to dealing with men romantically is one of my favorite genres ever man

  • Feb 6, 2022
    1 reply

    you dont agree with that conclusion cause you never have or will ever live it lmao.

    bi niggas gotta stop acting like they seen the whole spectrum of human interaction just bc they slide both ways

    Nigga I can tell if somebody’s acting whether or not im romantically involved

  • Feb 6, 2022
    1 reply

    bi niggas gotta stop acting like they seen the whole spectrum of human interaction just bc they slide both ways

    Nigga I can tell if somebody’s acting whether or not im romantically involved

    you're doing it again lmfaooooooooo

  • Feb 6, 2022
    1 reply

    you're doing it again lmfaooooooooo

    Sue me

  • Feb 6, 2022
    1 reply

    Sue me

    for being a bigot? nah lol.

  • Feb 6, 2022

    being bi has made me understand that I'm the problem

  • Feb 6, 2022
    1 reply

    for being a bigot? nah lol.

    U taking it politically and personally when all I’m thinking is everybody that has enough common sense and met enough different people can speak on these things. I wasnt talking about dating. Tired

  • Feb 6, 2022
    1 reply

    Women def put up a facade but there’s is like way more harmless and as a man you pretty much can get her comfortable with you and she’ll drop that immediately

    Women acting all cutesy and nice is cute and funny

    Men trying to act like they’re hard or the richest coolest nigga ever is f***ing annoying

    I mean I feel you, but idk the facades I've had women put up been pretty weird too.

    Never really been around a queer man that tried to act hard / rich or none of that tbh