Zach throwing his comrades over there at r/Drizzy under the bus with this post
Some of them are on here too
Been there since 10k members thanks for the gold kind strangers
lamear is easily redditor music
edit: thanks for the gold!
Redditors vs the predators
makes since one of the biggest rappers with the biggest rap song of all time gets a lot of people online
That reddit is god awful I stopped checking it when they all got defensive of that lil white girl saying the N word on stage
Reddit good for keeping up with news on more niche things and answering somewhat complex questions but that's it
reddit in general is ass
website usage and users
$10 raised for charity
dont even go back to yo hood and plant no money trees
Look at kthots defending reddit now
You should love Reddit. They would’ve defended your right to say nigga
I don't think Drake stans on KTT2 should be laughing at any other internet groups
Itt people who have amassed over 100k posts across 2 different Kanye West fan forums express superiority over casual forum users