“Cindy Gruden, Tiger Woods,” Derek Carr screamed to his teammates at the line of scrimmage in a call that was clear on the broadcast.
“Derek used my wife’s name on TV in one of his audibles, so it must not have been too loud in there,” Gruden joked Monday. “I’m still trying to figure out why Cindy Gruden’s name came up during the game. I’ve got to look into that.”
“Unfortunately for me, I could never hear him until yesterday,” Gruden said with a smile. “So I don’t know what he’s been up to at the line of scrimmage, but he better keep my wife out of it from now on.”
I wonder who the f*** threw that in there
this gonna be good
First W in the Death Star incoming
don’t put no fake crowd noises anymore please goddamn
what the f*** are these niggas doing
Fire paul gunther
on god that nigga defense f***ing sucks, been said that s***
Fire paul gunther
Glad to see the offense moving the ball on those last two drives
Ball back after the half