  • Oct 26, 2019

    1. Tetsuo & Youth
    3. The Cool
    4. Food & Liquor
    5. Food & Liquor II
    6. DROGAS Light
    7. LASERS

  • Oct 26, 2019

    1. Tetsuo & Youth
    2. Food & Liquor
    3. Drogas Wave
    4. The Cool
    5. Drogas Light
    6. F&L2
    7. Lasers

  • Oct 27, 2019

    1. food & liquor
    2. the cool
    3. tetsuo & youth
    4. drogas wave
    5. food & liquor 2
    6. drogas light
    7. lasers

  • Oct 27, 2019

    1. Tetsuo & Youth
    2. DROGAS Wave
    3. The Cool
    4. F&L
    5. F&L II
    6. Lasers
    7. Drogas Light

  • Oct 27, 2019

    1. Tetsuo & Youth
    3. The Cool
    4. Food & Liquor
    5. Food & Liquor II
    6. DROGAS Light
    7. LASERS

  • Oct 27, 2019

    The Cool
    Drogas Wave
    Drogas Light

  • kainie 🌌
    Oct 27, 2019
    1 reply

    The Cool
    Drogas Wave
    Drogas Light

  • Tetsuo & Youth
    The Cool
    Food & Liquor
    Food & Liquor II
    DROGAS Light

  • Oct 29, 2019

    The Cool
    Drogas Wave
    Drogas Light

    This but lasers last

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    The Cool
    F&L = Drogas Wave
    Drogas Light = F&L2

  • Oct 30, 2019

    1. Tetsuo and Youth
    2. Food and Liquor
    3. Drogas Wave
    4. The Cool
    5. Food and Liquor 2
    6. Lasers
    7. Drogas Light

  • Nov 5, 2019

    1. Tetsuo & Youth
    2. The Cool
    3. Drogas Wave
    4. Food & Liquor
    5. LASERS
    6. Drogas Light
    7. F&L2

  • Nov 6, 2019

    1. Tetsuo & Youth
    2. Food and Liquor
    3. The Cool
    4. Drogas Wave
    5. Food and Liquor 2
    6. Drogas Light
    7. Lasers

  • Nov 12, 2019

    i mean tetsuo is great but the cool is

  • Nov 28, 2019

    I gotta look at the songs properly to decide. Although tetsuo and youth is probably up there at number 1.. I remember the release date and anticipation about this album, with what he he had to go through with all that bullshit

    Doesn't get enough credit 😔every song had me feel different in a good way.

    Not many albums do that, except for Cudi

  • Nov 29, 2019

    The Cool
    OG Food & Liquor
    Tetsuo & Youth
    Repackaged Food & Liquor
    Drogas Wave
    Food and Liquor 2
    Drogas Light

  • Nov 29, 2019

    The Cool
    F&L = Drogas Wave
    Drogas Light = F&L2


  • Dec 24, 2019

    1. Tetsuo & Youth
    3. The Cool
    4. Food & Liquor
    5. Food & Liquor II
    6. DROGAS Light
    7. LASERS

    This 100%

  • 1.) Food & Liquor - 9/10
    2.) The Cool - 9/10
    3.) Tetsuo & Youth - 8/10
    4.) DROGAS Wave - 8/10
    5.) Food & Liquor 2 - 6/10
    6.) DROGAS Light - 5/10
    7.) Lasers - 3/10

  • Dec 31, 2019
    1 reply

    Can’t lie pretty shocked how many people think T&Y is his best. The highs are some of his best imo but this album outside the highs got more skips than his first two albums imo

  • Dec 31, 2019
    1 reply

    Can’t lie pretty shocked how many people think T&Y is his best. The highs are some of his best imo but this album outside the highs got more skips than his first two albums imo

    I agree with your list. Sometimes I put Food & Liquor above The Cool and vice versa. It’s close

    I think both Tetsuo & Youth and Drogas Wave are more musically superior than F&L and The Cool but I still connect with the content and storytelling on his first two albums more. His lyricism had a nice balance as well.

    I still enjoy his more non linear and cryptic style of rapping now.

  • Jan 2, 2020

    1. The Cool
    2. Tetsuo & Youth
    3. Food & Liquor
    5. Food & Liquor II
    6. Lasers

    I really wanna put DROGAS WAVE higher. It's a great body of work. But them other joints.
    The best I could do is swap 3 & 4. But no higher

  • Jan 5, 2020
    1 reply

    I agree with your list. Sometimes I put Food & Liquor above The Cool and vice versa. It’s close

    I think both Tetsuo & Youth and Drogas Wave are more musically superior than F&L and The Cool but I still connect with the content and storytelling on his first two albums more. His lyricism had a nice balance as well.

    I still enjoy his more non linear and cryptic style of rapping now.

    Never understood this whole “musically” thing tbh.

    Hip hop alone is music. Whether you add a concept or not. I always feel like people say this as a way to s*** on the genre and say that hip hop is inferior to other genres.

    I do get that some people really like the idea of concept records and sometimes may give an album extra brownie points just because the album has a concept but idk.

    I don’t think there’s anything wrong with people thinking F&L, The Cool, or T&Y is his best album, but to me F&L is his most complete album and is the smoothest listen front to back. I think The Cool has his best highs but I think its slightly more flawed than F&L as a whole.

  • CantKnockTheHustle

    Never understood this whole “musically” thing tbh.

    Hip hop alone is music. Whether you add a concept or not. I always feel like people say this as a way to s*** on the genre and say that hip hop is inferior to other genres.

    I do get that some people really like the idea of concept records and sometimes may give an album extra brownie points just because the album has a concept but idk.

    I don’t think there’s anything wrong with people thinking F&L, The Cool, or T&Y is his best album, but to me F&L is his most complete album and is the smoothest listen front to back. I think The Cool has his best highs but I think its slightly more flawed than F&L as a whole.

    I get where you're coming from. T&Y and Drogas Wave just sounds more polished to me than F&L and The Cool.

  • Jan 5, 2020

    1. Tetsuo & Youth
    2. The Cool
    3. DROGAS Wave
    3. Food & Liquor
    5. Food & Liquor II
    6. DROGAS Light
    7. Lasers