  • Updated May 20, 2020

    1.The Knowing
    2.Tears In The Rain
    3.Echoes Of Silence
    5.Heaven or Las Vegas
    6.Until I Bleed Out
    8.I Feel It Coming

  • May 1, 2020

    1. I Feel It Coming
    2. Tears In The Rain
    3. Echoes of Silence
    4. The Knowing
    5. Heaven or Las Vegas
    6. Privilege
    7. Until I Bleed Out
    8. Angel

  • KobeToThe 🇩🇴
    May 1, 2020

    1.The Knowing
    2. I Feel it Coming
    3. Tears in the Rain
    4. Heaven or Lost Vegas

    Keep the rest tbh

  • May 1, 2020
    1 reply

    All 10/10 tracks except Angel and I Feel It Coming

  • May 1, 2020

    1. Heaven or Las Vegas
    2. The Knowing
    3. Until I Bleed Out
    4. Tears In The Rain
    5. I Feel It Coming
    6. Privilege
    7. Echoes Of Silence
    8. Angel

    Was very difficult tbh

  • May 1, 2020

    1. Echoes of Silence
    2. Privilege
    3. The Knowing
    4. Tears In the Rain
    5. Until I Bleed Out
    6. Heaven or Las Vegas
    7. Angel
    8. I Feel It Coming

  • All of them classics and 10/10

    1. The Knowing
    2. Tie between Privilege and Until I Bleed Out
    3. Heaven or Las Vegas
    4. Echoes of Silence
    5. Tears In The Rain
    6. Angel
    7. I Feel It Coming

  • 1. tears in the rain
    2. heaven or las vegas
    3. the knowing
    4. until I bleed out
    5. privilige
    6. echoes of silence
    7. I feel it coming
    8. angel

  • May 1, 2020

    All 10/10 tracks except Angel and I Feel It Coming

    delete this post

  • May 1, 2020

    1. Privilege
    2. Until I Bleed Out
    3. Angel
    4. Echoes Of Silence
    5. Heaven or Las Vegas
    6. Tears in the Rain
    7.The Knowing
    8.I Feel It Coming

    f*** IFIC. And I've never been a big fan of the knowing personally. very difficult ranking

  • May 2, 2020

    1. Until I bleed out
    2. EoS/HLV/priv
    3. Titr
    4. The Knowing
    5. Ific
    6. Angel

  • May 2, 2020

    1. Echoes of Silence
    2. Tears in the Rain
    3. The knowing
    4. Until I Bleed Out
    5. Angel
    6. Privilege
    7. Heaven Or Las Vegas
    8. IFIC

    Love every single one of them

  • May 2, 2020
    1 reply

    How can y'all hate on I feel it coming that bad .

    I love that song

  • May 2, 2020
    Johnny Dior

    How can y'all hate on I feel it coming that bad .

    I love that song

    Top 1 closer for me

  • May 2, 2020

    Tears in the rain
    The Knowing
    Heaven or Las Vegas
    Until I bleed Out

  • May 17, 2020

    1. The Knowing
    2. Echoes Of Silence
    3. Tears In The Rain
    4. Privilege
    5 Until I Bleed Out
    6. Angel
    7. I Feel It Coming
    8. Heaven Or Las Vegas