Young Pink
You may remember him for his 2019 album MSTRGLSS
I really liked the follow up Neva Look Back
And tbh I never got into his 2 2020 albums but I’ll prob be peeping those today, maybe they’ll click better
Hopefully this name change helps cuz the music is fire and it was annoying having people confuse him for A$AP Bari
MSTRGLSS and the album with the red cover of him (forgot the name) was dope his fearures wid Smino are dope too. Why Yung Pink tho?
Bari was a way better name
Young Pink is generic & weird sounding at the same time
This feel like deja vu
Feel like I have to say pause every time I say that name idk why
Get "young pink" out of your mouth
Thought this was asap Bari lmfao
What dumbass would name themselves after someone so controversial
Like me calling myself Ian Connor
Bari was a way better name
Young Pink is generic & weird sounding at the same time
its a name a p**** rapper would have
if i hear young pink im thinking the music video is about to have some ass in it