Wouldn't that make it even more obvious about the misgivings and deep nature tho? that you can truly find the beauty and ugly in the same thing?
zezemills is woat she doesn't speak for black people
Yeah, just because she can string a sentence together people think she's smart, but she isn't.
And I'm not sure why this is even a thing. I didn't know advocating for black love = having to date within your race exclusively
A lot of woke conscious black people just simply project their own lack of self-worth in regards to their stance on issues of race.
The song "Black" was not an uplifting socially aware song, but a cry from a man who is probably suffering a severe form of self-hatred in regards to his racial makeup
I'm not surprised that he loves white women
Black love and excellence are mutually exclusive from dating habits. It’s not a double standard to say that black people need to appreciate and love both the men and women, while being in an interracial relationship
This is huge news. Dave is very pro black and comes across like he despises white people
no he doesnt you f***ing weirdo
lol why did I think this was gonna a joke thread about lil d***y
you need to calm down
u being a chatty patty while tryna slander a black man's name for no reason. He doesnt "hate white people". He is just pro black and dates a white girl. You are either being a d***head or this is bait.
The UK community have cancelled him!
you like soccer btw?
i hate white people as much as the nice man but p**** p****
the problem with white girls is 85% of them are unattractive sticks and annoying
L for dating a white girl