chimp1 is a rapper, kai cenat is a streamer
charles hamilton passed him the torch
@op are you gangy?
Chat! Are we buying this over the Krabby Patty meal at Wendys?
Kai Cenat meal with Fanum Fries and Prime drink 🔥🔥
gotta have the speed prime mcflurry
This is for the Chicken Big Mac
This is gonna go dummmmmy
We already had this in Canada as it’s own thing lmao
We already had this in Canada as it’s own thing lmao
Kai is just doing promo this is not a branded meal with him or anything
This has been tested in the US before but never a nationwide release
US menu is always lacking compared to other countries McD's
We already had this in Canada as it’s own thing lmao
they also got the double fillet o fishy