Listening to All Eyez On Me again right now, and something about Pac’s voice fused so well with the flow he was using on the first verse of Wonda Why They Call U B****, and he hit the pocket so hard, it was just a wow moment outta nowhere.
Are there any rappers you feel have the best voice for the flows they use?
Any moments like that, where the flow, voice, pocket, etc. all come together and make your jaw drop?
Any comments?
Let’s talk about it!
As for me, I always thought Earl Sweatshirt had the perfect voice for his SRS onward output.
He sounds so tired and drained, but still emotionally evokative.
rx papi
Wayne in 05-08 had the best voice for the crazy sauced up Martian s*** he was doing, good pick.
The way Thug uses his voice is also creative and just fun af
I will say that I don’t always love when Kendrick does weird stuff to his voice, but the tone he hits on Mr. Morale and the Big Steppers when he says some simple, but hard s*** like “you ugly as f***” or “bitch I’m attractive/can’t f*** with you no more I’m fasting eughhhh” is just perfect