I've been searching for rare photography to cop. So I was checking out the OG hip-hop and rock photographers.
goat s*** man love this kinda content here
goat s*** man love this kinda content here
I got some rare ones of Kurt Kobain if ur a fan.
I got some rare ones of Kurt Kobain if ur a fan.
haha for sure a fan, swing my guy
I'll make a thread highlighting photographers we should all know if you guys like all the 90s hip hop photographers.
y'all might like this
Contact High: A Visual History of Hip-Hop (CLARKSON POTTER) amazon.com/dp/0525573887/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_KY3Q5NJHVC9TKP2BEQRH
i copped in 2018
pretty dope
y'all might like this
Contact High: A Visual History of Hip-Hop (CLARKSON POTTER) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0525573887/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_KY3Q5NJHVC9TKP2BEQRH
i copped in 2018
pretty dope
Good s***. I'm copping.
I love my coffee table books.
I'll make a thread highlighting photographers we should all know if you guys like all the 90s hip hop photographers.
jonathan mannion
When I get my prints, I'll take a picture of them in my den. When u see what I copped u will trip lol
There life-size, and black and white.
shot by Danny clinch for Big L’s Lifestylez ov da Poor & Dangerous
That first photo must have inspired the TPAB album cover.
When I get my prints, I'll take a picture of them in my den. When u see what I copped u will trip lol
There life-size, and black and white.
If your wondering where I bought my two prints and if u want to splurge