Ratchet's voice is Tidus from Final Fantasy X
Damn..homeboy still getting work after all these years that's what's up
All are gushing previews and saying it’s one of the best looking games they have ever played
damn I can already feel the haptics when hitting that rail
Reasons like this is why last gen needs to die
Am I the only one that thinks this doesn't look that different from the PS4 game?
Am I the only one that thinks this doesn't look that different from the PS4 game?
Am I the only one that thinks this doesn't look that different from the PS4 game?
Better graphics, but gameplay still has me
This game looks LEAGUES better than the 2016 game, idk what people itt are talking about
This looks GOTY potential
Am I the only one that thinks this doesn't look that different from the PS4 game?
This game looks LEAGUES better than the 2016 game, idk what people itt are talking about
This looks GOTY potential
You’re high if you think this is goty
You’re high if you think this is goty
ratchet 2016 was lowkey GOTY contender and this is gonna be no different tbh. this s*** looks phenomenal
Better graphics, but gameplay still has me
The graphics look a little better but Miles and Demon's Souls look better to me.
And yeah the gameplay looks identical except they got the warping gimmick.
You’re high if you think this is goty
What do you think will be?
Year is looking extremely weak, if this game is good I don’t see any reason it wouldn’t be a contender