60 FPS with ray tracing mode
60 FPS with ray tracing mode
https://twitter.com/insomniacgames/status/1401222804343640064That look smooth as f*** holy s***
60 FPS with ray tracing mode
saw some dude on Reddit got his copy from Amazon already
S*** like this never happens to me smh
S*** like this never happens to me smh
i can understand getting it a day or two early, but damn near a week?
saw some dude on Reddit got his copy from Amazon already
My s*** would get here after release date
My s*** would get here after release date
that's why i never pre-order stuff online. granted, would probably only have to wait a day or two after release, but don't wanna risk it. usually just end up going digital for a lot of things to save the hassle.
I wanna get this but I’ll wait till it’s half off. Doesn’t make sense for me to spend $70 on a game that’ll get like 10 hours of mileage
brand synergy
Feels weird af knowing I’m waiting for reviews but no matter what imma buy this