Lmao what would even be a 10??? Only ppl probaly living in complete happines are young kinds, monks and indiginous ppl
I guess i would give it a 7
5.5-6 as of now but its definitely an 8 and above on a good day. A good day for me is something that I can think back on and be happy that I can remember that day so vividly and it brings me a smile.
this guy thinks enjoying life means driving big cars and s***
let me tell you kiddo you can drive a luxury car and still be miserable and you can go with the bus and be the happiest mf alife
stop putting words in my mouth b**** ass nigga lmfao!
stop putting words in my mouth b**** ass nigga lmfao!
dont @ me F*** boy
Lmao what would even be a 10??? Only ppl probaly living in complete happines are young kinds, monks and indiginous ppl
I guess i would give it a 7
u the type to over complicate things
just relax for a minute
dont @ me F*** boy
so glad i don't know u irl u sound like a hoe ass nigga i never changed keep that same energy where your life is at a f***ing 2
so glad i don't know u irl u sound like a hoe ass nigga i never changed keep that same energy where your life is at a f***ing 2
funny thing is id prolly bully ur ass if i knew u
then u definitely aint a 8 foh
I don't care about being able to drive luxury cars and eating at the best restaurants in the world. I only want to live a peaceful life doing things I enjoy and that's my life, not everybody wants to be rich
5.5-6 as of now but its definitely an 8 and above on a good day. A good day for me is something that I can think back on and be happy that I can remember that day so vividly and it brings me a smile.
haven't had many of those in a couple years.
Past two-three years been really shaky for me
but I do vividly remember good times and memories from the past
funny thing is id prolly bully ur ass if i knew u
im the type to shoot up your school for bullying me
I have a good job. My own place. Got my health and sanity. I work out. Family is good. My problems are small compared to others. I should not complain.
Social life could be better though and being in a relationship would be dope. Im at that point in life, but Im not tryna stress about that. Im still not that old. Only turning 25 this year, but I find myself being more and more done with certain s***.
2014-2016 i'd say about a 9 now adays its around 4-6 just s*** I gotta deal with. Some days can be a 7 but far and few in between
I have a good job. My own place. Got my health and sanity. I work out. Family is good. My problems are small compared to others. I should not complain.
Social life could be better though and being in a relationship would be dope. Im at that point in life, but Im not tryna stress about that. Im still not that old. Only turning 25 this year, but I find myself being more and more done with certain s***.
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