They should get their own feature length movie like the talk to me guys . Could see them making a good comedy
Oh s***, it finally dropped
Love these guys. Don't even watch any streamers but I'll spend hours watching their livestream uploads on YouTube
John I know that's you
It really would be John out of all of them on here
Cool to see how far theyβve come. Imma put it on at work if itβs a slow day, otherwise when I get off tonight Iβll peep.
They should get their own feature length movie like the talk to me guys . Could see them making a good comedy
they had a deal with hbo max before the awful merger and david whatever the f*** taking over.
So i imagine warner tried to f*** them over somehow smh
i remember mark kindve saying on twitch/twitter that they wanted to just do their own thing within their own budget.