This might not make sense, I'm in a van driven to Wrst Virginia for a gig and this quan s*** been bothering me dawg.
The RHQ clip errbody been sharing when he says (paraphrasing) “this culture has a thing of only appreciating niggas when we die when yall could’ve said this stuff when we was here” and it made me think (obviously the rhq thread not the place to say it) of people on here s***ting on rhq for years (inheriting the beef) cause of another rapper.
And that s*** always was corny to me.
No other culture that gotta deal with this kinda mortality and turn around in death like us. (The time im typing this nyc lost a staple in lite feet staple K Shakes from getting shot)
No other culture that S*** on the elders that ARE STILL GODDAMN HERE AND WE SHOULD APPRECIATE THAT S*** like us.
It’s reasons like this that LL Cool j album (and honestly all our relics over 50 that’s still alive, still healthy, still rapping) is so appreciated. Niggas from an era where s*** was just…fun.
It’s refreshing amidst this grief in that, it’s a reminder that yeah. This genre without the a e s t h e t i c s, controversy, everything that dont got s*** to do with music, will always be bars.
And dammit, I wanna see my idols grow old barring niggas tf out bro.
RT @AmoryBlain @browser @fiveprestos @2words @YoungNastyShawty @provider
Tl;dr: rant from a tired grieving nigga
This might not make sense, I'm in a van driven to Wrst Virginia for a gig and this quan s*** been bothering me dawg.
The RHQ clip errbody been sharing when he says (paraphrasing) “this culture has a thing of only appreciating niggas when we die when yall could’ve said this stuff when we was here” and it made me think (obviously the rhq thread not the place to say it) of people on here s***ting on rhq for years (inheriting the beef) cause of another rapper.
And that s*** always was corny to me.
No other culture that gotta deal with this kinda mortality and turn around in death like us. (The time im typing this nyc lost a staple in lite feet staple K Shakes from getting shot)
No other culture that S*** on the elders that ARE STILL GODDAMN HERE AND WE SHOULD APPRECIATE THAT S*** like us.
It’s reasons like this that LL Cool j album (and honestly all our relics over 50 that’s still alive, still healthy, still rapping) is so appreciated. Niggas from an era where s*** was just…fun.
It’s refreshing amidst this grief in that, it’s a reminder that yeah. This genre without the a e s t h e t i c s, controversy, everything that dont got s*** to do with music, will always be bars.
And dammit, I wanna see my idols grow old barring niggas tf out bro.
We take rap/rappers for granted for as much complaining as niggas have done about rap over the years
This might not make sense, I'm in a van driven to Wrst Virginia for a gig and this quan s*** been bothering me dawg.
The RHQ clip errbody been sharing when he says (paraphrasing) “this culture has a thing of only appreciating niggas when we die when yall could’ve said this stuff when we was here” and it made me think (obviously the rhq thread not the place to say it) of people on here s***ting on rhq for years (inheriting the beef) cause of another rapper.
And that s*** always was corny to me.
No other culture that gotta deal with this kinda mortality and turn around in death like us. (The time im typing this nyc lost a staple in lite feet staple K Shakes from getting shot)
No other culture that S*** on the elders that ARE STILL GODDAMN HERE AND WE SHOULD APPRECIATE THAT S*** like us.
It’s reasons like this that LL Cool j album (and honestly all our relics over 50 that’s still alive, still healthy, still rapping) is so appreciated. Niggas from an era where s*** was just…fun.
It’s refreshing amidst this grief in that, it’s a reminder that yeah. This genre without the a e s t h e t i c s, controversy, everything that dont got s*** to do with music, will always be bars.
And dammit, I wanna see my idols grow old barring niggas tf out bro.
I’ll say that listening to the LL album almost felt foreign in a way with how fun it sounds as you put it. Definitely a polarizing feeling (positively) to have given that the fun aspect of it is the reason why many of us fell in love with hip hop in the first place.
Hip hop was always underappreciated even after it started raking in money for the suits. I guess some of that rubbed off on how the artists are treated by the fans but it's not cool. I'm loving the Rap Renaissance of veterans like Cool J, Common, Lyte, Rakim, Dogg Pound, etc picking up the mic and rapping like they're in their second primes
This might not make sense, I'm in a van driven to Wrst Virginia for a gig and this quan s*** been bothering me dawg.
The RHQ clip errbody been sharing when he says (paraphrasing) “this culture has a thing of only appreciating niggas when we die when yall could’ve said this stuff when we was here” and it made me think (obviously the rhq thread not the place to say it) of people on here s***ting on rhq for years (inheriting the beef) cause of another rapper.
And that s*** always was corny to me.
No other culture that gotta deal with this kinda mortality and turn around in death like us. (The time im typing this nyc lost a staple in lite feet staple K Shakes from getting shot)
No other culture that S*** on the elders that ARE STILL GODDAMN HERE AND WE SHOULD APPRECIATE THAT S*** like us.
It’s reasons like this that LL Cool j album (and honestly all our relics over 50 that’s still alive, still healthy, still rapping) is so appreciated. Niggas from an era where s*** was just…fun.
It’s refreshing amidst this grief in that, it’s a reminder that yeah. This genre without the a e s t h e t i c s, controversy, everything that dont got s*** to do with music, will always be bars.
And dammit, I wanna see my idols grow old barring niggas tf out bro.