  • Feb 2, 2020

    The element Carbon consists of 6 electrons 6 protrons and 6 neutron. With humans being carbon-based life forms, Ab can be referring to the physical human body being the Number of the Beast.

    Gnosticism looked at the human body as a “prison for the soul” which would explain why Ab choose P.M.S Freestyle to be the next part of the song.

  • Feb 2, 2020

    people want rappers to be woke until they say something positive or uplifting about women

  • Feb 2, 2020

    Yaris Sanchez box ended this mans whole career. Don’t blame him

  • Y’all nerds don’t deserve another Control System

  • Feb 2, 2020

    Chris tucker was on that plane f***ing kids, man. CHILDREN. Probably dressed like the fifth element