Yo I know this probably ain’t the place to vent but f*** man here goes nothing
I’ve been living with my best friend for the past 4 years and we run a studio as co engineer in 2019my dawg found out he had cancer and the f***ed up thing about it was he and his family are NOT on good terms at all and they suck tbfh I’m not going to get into all that but basically I’ve been his only care taker for the last year or so and it’s been tough you know but I never complained because this my best homie since like 2nd grade and I don’t have much family besides my mom who is in an entirely different city and state
Well last week I came home to find my bro (what I thought) sleep but unfortunately he passed in his sleep and well no I don’t have my best friend anymore and his parents kicked me out of the house and changed the locks and they won’t respond to any of my calls or texts and won’t even tell me about funeral arrangements or nothing when IVE been the one taking care of my pal not them at all and well I didn’t prepare for this s*** at all so iv basically been homeless living on the street I’m not currently working due to my own health issues and I’m suicidal asf at this point it just seems like everything has went to hell
So kttfam (I been on KTT since 2009 the original
Edit: @insertcoolnamehere suggested I make a go fund me
$vincefin5088r is my cashapp
Seanjack1909@gmail.com is my PayPal
I’m not trying to beg but man I need some help badly I haven’t even eaten a real meal in days 😕
Can we get this thread stickied @team
I'll PayPal u some $ later, keep your head up bro
Yooo bro thank you so much I truly appreciate it and whenever I can pay it back I surely will 💯❤️
head up brodie, things will get better i promise you. you may be at rock bottom right now but you won't stay there forever. praying for your wellbeing and a quick bounce back. lastly, know that you are loved - suicide isn't the answer to anything. this is just a temporary setback and i KNOW you'll be back up on your feet in no time
Yooo bro thank you so much I truly appreciate it and whenever I can pay it back I surely will 💯❤️
It's all good bro I don't need it, check your PayPal
It's all good bro I don't need it, check your PayPal
Yooo you’re an angel bro thank u so much I’m in literal tears
head up brodie, things will get better i promise you. you may be at rock bottom right now but you won't stay there forever. praying for your wellbeing and a quick bounce back. lastly, know that you are loved - suicide isn't the answer to anything. this is just a temporary setback and i KNOW you'll be back up on your feet in no time
I seriously needed this it’s so much grief and pain in my life rn and I more than appreciate your words they mean everything man thank you ❤️
KTT got you OP. Love you
Thank you so much bro seriously I love you all more the support and words are extremely appreciated
@op find a fast food place open 24/7 to stay at and try and get something to hold you over. Preferably a place with free Wi-Fi if you don’t have unlimited data.
If your mom can help take that chance because being homeless with no vehicle is the worst.
I’ll send you a little bit of money after I set my PayPal again
From Memphis to St.Louis
I have extra points with Southwest and could book a flight for you if you want. Let me know.
Sorry to hear about your loss as well. RIP to your best friend.
@op find a fast food place open 24/7 to stay at and try and get something to hold you over. Preferably a place with free Wi-Fi if you don’t have unlimited data.
If your mom can help take that chance because being homeless with no vehicle is the worst.
I’ll send you a little bit of money after I set my PayPal again
Yo thank you so much I have to get in touch with her but I’m almost 100% sure she will take me in even tho we haven’t really talked in a Long time and that’s exactly what I’m doing I’m currently at ihop I really appreciate your words and help
I have extra points with Southwest and could book a flight for you if you want. Let me know.
Sorry to hear about your loss as well. RIP to your best friend.
Yoo this would be amazing I’m trying to get in touch with mom now to confirm with her I’m coming back
f*** man that really hurt to read I'm sorry about your friend
I hope u can make it to your mom <3
Yoo this would be amazing I’m trying to get in touch with mom now to confirm with her I’m coming back
Keep us updated brodie. We’re here for you.