I'd be upset, possibly throw hands. But a million dollars in damages Plenty of people accidentally get some semen down their throat when a guy fails to warn them in time during head, imagine if all of them had a lawsuit. The judicial system would collapse
Sympathizing with a salad splooger smh
A million up front now
Life thread by @goodkid_mAAdposter
“Get a million dollars, but u unexpectedly eat semen in a random meal”
I’d literally take my settlement and spend some of it to try and get semen dude whacked cause there’s no f***ing way bruh
I’d literally take my settlement and spend some of it to try and get semen dude whacked cause there’s no f***ing way bruh
He was just trying to put some spice in your life, he made it better
He was just trying to put some spice in your life, he made it better
I didn’t really f*** with ranch dressing anyway but this situation has justified my reasons why
Let me be delicate here...I'm not usually one for victim blaming...BUT what tf your semen gobbling ass doing ordering a mf salad at Red Robin for?! B****made ass nigga deconstruct the food before you eat it next time. You ain't ever see Gordon Ramsey eat some s*** on Kitchen Nightmares?
Well would you?
How do you get semen on there without any of your coworkers noticing? I don't imagine he just stood in the kitchen beating his meat. If he took a cup into the bathroom, would people notice? How was he able to comfortably rub one out that quick in a presumably busy bathroom?
A lot of skilled workers got displaced during the pandemic
He probably used to work in p*** getting his salad tossed b4 he was tossing and saucing at Red Robin’s
@RedEyeJedi type @Ruruchan_ alt
how they get caught? Niggas know what nut taste like?!?!?!?
nah we need answers
I'd be upset, possibly throw hands. But a million dollars in damages Plenty of people accidentally get some semen down their throat when a guy fails to warn them in time during head, imagine if all of them had a lawsuit. The judicial system would collapse
yo y’all different on here
My mans first mistake was continuing to eat at a place after he felt they were racially discriminating. That's definitely how you wind up with spit, a******, or semen in your food. To my people if you think a restaurant staff is racist do not pass go, do not collect a plate, get the f*** outta there.
That said swallowing semen will likely make this man a million dollars richer, so it beckons the question ... Would you consume semen for a million?
a****** in his food?
a****** in his food?
when they wipe a bun across the a****** or taint
maybe a rub of the sack on a steak
a fart
them cooks back there will get dirty
This man just sounds like a bag chasing b**** tbh. Take that L like a man, throw hands if you really feel disrespected. But burdening the judicial system and making lawyers/judges spend hours of their lives on a case because you swallowed some c***is p**** af
bro nigga nut in dudes food thats f***ing disgusting. anything under a million im not batting an eye at
an ur point is like saying suicidal people shoot themselves in the head so anyone who shoots someone in the heat should be absolved. its obviously a very different context