He says the last IG was taken on top of the office building for the marketing agency responsible for CLB rollout & Laugh Now Cry Later.
Reddit Post: reddit.com/r/Drizzy/comments/11650np/rollout_on_the_way
surely he wouldn’t drop until after tour ends?
Either Scary Hours 3 or the long time coming Stake Song
It’s been obvious from his output and the timing that the big 500m deal includes high volume output from Drake, so would not be surprised if we get more projects soon
the I Guess It’s F*** Me type album otw
the I Guess It’s F*** Me type album otw
Need a strong one word title
Need a strong one word title
My Gain
the I Guess It’s F*** Me type album otw
I hope he does this tbh, would be dope to keep having the last track lead into the next album
would tie in perfectly with the Stake thing too
my s***post is confirmed real in my head now until proven otherwise
If we got a full R&B album I think I would cry real tears if IGIFM is the indicator
surely he wouldn’t drop until after tour ends?
He could drop a single right before the tour tbh
Need a strong one word title