I can finally view p***ographic content of middle aged, overweight, white swinger couples again
I dusted off my fedora, lined up my neck beard, put on my dragon shirt.. I’m ready to go.
Reddit on!!!
understand that websites are like digital skinner boxes, environments which encourage certain behaviors simply by how they are designed. Ktt's likes and quotes system encourages some degree of annoying attention seeking posts, but I can live with that. Reddit's upvote and downvote system + gold + reddit moderation makes for some of the cringiest behavior online and leaves most active users with just plain repulsive personalities. yes, there is a significant difference between my site and your site
When did the internet become so insufferable
RL is the new internet, internet is for normie plebs now
tips fedora
The blackout lowkey exposed me by realizing I’m dumb af without Reddit
Trying to get advice or find out more about something and that s*** be locked
wish all redditors had stickers like that so we know who to keep our kids away from
That’s not something to joke about. What’s crazy is that fact of you joking about abuse says alot about your character.
That’s not something to joke about. What’s crazy is that fact of you joking about abuse says alot about your character.
you seem awfully upset about this chomo
you seem awfully upset about this chomo
I’m just saying it’s weird? You calling Redditors weird but I guarantee you won’t say that s*** in real life
I’m just saying it’s weird? You calling Redditors weird but I guarantee you won’t say that s*** in real life
you’re literally a racist white redditor cac, stop acting like you’re tough dude
Reddit is literally the front page of the internet I have a Reddit sticker on my car lmao
oh you’re a gimmick account
alright carry on
I’m just saying it’s weird? You calling Redditors weird but I guarantee you won’t say that s*** in real life
I would say it in real life c**
I’m just saying it’s weird? You calling Redditors weird but I guarantee you won’t say that s*** in real life
I’ll say whatever to any of you freaks irl. What are you going to do? Downvote me?
you’re literally a racist white redditor cac, stop acting like you’re tough dude
What are you talking about? You don’t know what I look and and I’m far from racist. You’re saying random s*** because he’s calling Redditors child abusers
oh you’re a gimmick account
alright carry on
So making fun of children is ok? So you’re saying it’s ok to make jokes about children …
I’ll say whatever to any of you freaks irl. What are you going to do? Downvote me?
Just by the way you act you’re beneath me. Reddit aside, forum aside, let’s talk about your manly hood, I’m talking your pride. I don’t like what you represent as a person
Making fun of abused children, projecting your own thoughts into others, etc I genuinely do not like your comments.