  • sponge 🧽
    Nov 15, 2023

    Sure you're not.........projecting?

    bro thought he had one ^

  • Nov 15, 2023

    That was Hip Hop asf

  • Nov 15, 2023
    mr get dough


  • Nov 15, 2023
    mr get dough


  • Nov 15, 2023
    3 replies
    · edited

    Im sure they’ll listen to redveil

    Like unironically and non sarcastically I don’t get what awareness rappers are bringing to a situation that’s all over the news. It feels like everyone is turning into NPC’s who are impressed by gestures like posting hashtags and black squares and screaming over your slow song instrumental so we can put it in a documentary lol

    And to reiterate any children dying is f***ed up and what I’m saying does not go against that sentiment

  • Nov 15, 2023
    1 reply

    Like unironically and non sarcastically I don’t get what awareness rappers are bringing to a situation that’s all over the news. It feels like everyone is turning into NPC’s who are impressed by gestures like posting hashtags and black squares and screaming over your slow song instrumental so we can put it in a documentary lol

    And to reiterate any children dying is f***ed up and what I’m saying does not go against that sentiment

    There’s been protests in London every weekend for the past month and each one has been bigger than the last, because of a mass of individuals on social media sharing details about the marches. Last one had 1 million+ people.

    Macron recently changed his tune and called for a ceasefire. that was directly because of the pressure from marches that happened in France.

    If everyone thought the way you and S***did, none of those marches would’ve happened.

  • Nov 15, 2023
    3 replies

    Like unironically and non sarcastically I don’t get what awareness rappers are bringing to a situation that’s all over the news. It feels like everyone is turning into NPC’s who are impressed by gestures like posting hashtags and black squares and screaming over your slow song instrumental so we can put it in a documentary lol

    And to reiterate any children dying is f***ed up and what I’m saying does not go against that sentiment

    I didn’t wanna say it but imo this is just conscious clout chasing

  • Nov 15, 2023

    gagged net and yahoo wit dat 1 fr

  • Nov 15, 2023
    1 reply


    Much love to redveil man. Bro is using his platform to shine a light on something everyone else in the entertainment industry is too p***y to do.

    He taking a stand when speaking out on this could absolutely jeopardize his career and livelihood. Praying he’ll be good but we with him no matter what. Free palestine till its backwards🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

    What planet are you living on where no one else in the music/entertainment industry is speaking on this?

  • Nov 15, 2023

    hell yeah surely a ceasefire will be reached now that redveil said something

  • Nov 15, 2023
    tomorrow volverse

    I didn’t wanna say it but imo this is just conscious clout chasing

    Feel like we’re steering away from the message to kill someone’s character. He made a call to action and it worked, they had the most sign ups and busiest day yesterday

  • Nov 15, 2023
    yvl nightingale

    There’s been protests in London every weekend for the past month and each one has been bigger than the last, because of a mass of individuals on social media sharing details about the marches. Last one had 1 million+ people.

    Macron recently changed his tune and called for a ceasefire. that was directly because of the pressure from marches that happened in France.

    If everyone thought the way you and S***did, none of those marches would’ve happened.

    shout out to all the cynical people itt writing this off as clout chasing when niggas whole careers really get hemmed up for this s***. & niggas get wrote off for less. I've seen people lose substantial s*** in the works visibly by pushing P 🇵🇸.

    I see niggas sit here all the time like "do we care what juice wrld thinks" then turn around & cape for celebs being the worst people or writing every excuse in the book saying nothing to lend to good causes. let a dude do the right thing & he's a clout chaser? let a dude with some fame speak up for what's important & he's just trying to run it up? come on man. you niggas would have been flustered & lost in the 60s. Yall gotta learn not everything is for a bag or for capital

  • Nov 15, 2023
    2 replies

    i guess if you have good intentions you're posturing now

    you can't please any of these cry baby b****es man

  • Nov 15, 2023
    2 replies
    Sir Swagalot

    i guess if you have good intentions you're posturing now

    you can't please any of these cry baby b****es man

    Like I don't get it lol, he's bringing awareness to a genocide that's actively getting buried in misinformation, but of course, there was gonna be some people whining. It's crazy

  • Nov 15, 2023


  • Nov 15, 2023
    1 reply

    Like I don't get it lol, he's bringing awareness to a genocide that's actively getting buried in misinformation, but of course, there was gonna be some people whining. It's crazy

    people are stuck in their own bubble. yeah, a lot of people are aware of what's going on over there. but there will ALWAYS be a a certain amount of people who are blinded to these things and you can't convince me otherwise.

    sure, you may see these things all the time in the news. but are you actually absorbing the information? how many ongoing overseas conflicts have we completely stopped talking about just because it wasn't in the news? nah bruh. we need to keep the fire burning

  • Nov 15, 2023

    F*** Israel

  • Nov 15, 2023

    Respect to redveil. He's just getting started and I would hate to see him lose his career over this. The blackballing is real out here.

    He'll be fine tbh

    The entire world outside of Evangelicals and Zionists wants a ceasefire right now. This is a colossal PR disaster for the west and Israel's public reputation has been irreparably damaged now. There's no sane person who doesn't want to see a ceasefire right now

  • Nov 15, 2023

    Do this for some niggas and I'll care

    Liberals being fascists once again

  • Nov 15, 2023
    tomorrow volverse

    I didn’t wanna say it but imo this is just conscious clout chasing

    Weird post

  • Sir Swagalot

    people are stuck in their own bubble. yeah, a lot of people are aware of what's going on over there. but there will ALWAYS be a a certain amount of people who are blinded to these things and you can't convince me otherwise.

    sure, you may see these things all the time in the news. but are you actually absorbing the information? how many ongoing overseas conflicts have we completely stopped talking about just because it wasn't in the news? nah bruh. we need to keep the fire burning

    how many ongoing overseas conflicts have we completely stopped talking about just because it wasn't in the news?

    Ukraine Russia war as a recent example.


  • Nov 15, 2023
    tomorrow volverse

    I didn’t wanna say it but imo this is just conscious clout chasing


  • Nov 15, 2023

    What planet are you living on where no one else in the music/entertainment industry is speaking on this?

    showing support like this in the middle of a music festival ain’t the same as an ig post bruv

  • Nov 15, 2023

    That ceasfire now website had its busiest day ever after this performance. There are other artists speakig out for Palestine (and have before, I know Vic Mensa visited Palestine years ago and spoke about the apartheid for example) but nobody doing it like Redveil

  • Nov 15, 2023

    Like unironically and non sarcastically I don’t get what awareness rappers are bringing to a situation that’s all over the news. It feels like everyone is turning into NPC’s who are impressed by gestures like posting hashtags and black squares and screaming over your slow song instrumental so we can put it in a documentary lol

    And to reiterate any children dying is f***ed up and what I’m saying does not go against that sentiment

    "all over the news"

    You not gunna turn on CNN or Fox and find out about all the dead Palestinian children

    Yah the black square social media hashtag s*** definitely an empty gesture but doing this at a major venue while also calling to action is not an empty gesture at all.