By now, you must all be aware of the passing of David P., and you’ve likely noticed that his account is still posting, which may be confusing. This is heartbreaking, but in reality, it is his son, David Jr., who has taken over the account as a way to honor his father’s legacy of posting online.
In an effort to cope with his loss, David Jr. seems to fully believe he is his father, and in a sense, feels that his father is still with him. Therefore, when interacting with him, it’s important to play along and pretend you are speaking to the actual David P.
Thank you, and may David P. rest in peace
I don't give a f*** that that's David's son.
He still shouldn't be on the account.
#RespectTheP #ThatPGotPower
David P? More like David RIP 🤪
#RespectTheP #ThatPGotPower
David P? More like David RIP 🤪
wtf bro