forgot how ye spazzed on this
lmbo callin that spazzing but hey u can blame drake since he wrote it.
didnt drake take kanye off this song
turned a good song to a bad song real quick
didnt drake take kanye off this song
saw some sayin it was revenge for kanye leaving drake off of all of the lights
turned a good song to a bad song real quick
facts the last two minutes on the album version feel empty
saw some sayin it was revenge for kanye leaving drake off of all of the lights
And they try to pretend that ye isn’t a better rapper than drake. Just another instance of history being revised from those of drake’s ilk. A troubling state of affairs.
he took them both off
Drake and Hov were beefing at time
So when Drake sent the beat to KanYe and he sent it back with Hov vocals, he just decided to do it himself. He talked about it in the Zane Lowe interview.
chaining tatum
It’s not even a bad song but that line damn near ruin it for me.
And they try to pretend that ye isn’t a better rapper than drake. Just another instance of history being revised from those of drake’s ilk. A troubling state of affairs.
Kanye isn’t a better rapper than Drake lol
Kanye can’t come up with a Diplomatic Immunity