“Too bold to type you, too rich to fight you, calm down you lightskin”
You a Rico Suave, nigga
Ride around listening to Sade, nigga
If you ain't with us, you in our way, nigga
You an actor, you should be on Broadway, nigga
Cause you do s*** the broad way, nigga
Ether is over
I realized just how much KTT2 is full real life losers when not a single person I know hates on JCole, most people like him(to my surprise tbh)
u mean real life where people shrivel into their shells and try desperately to fit in with the immediate people around them to feel comfortable in they own skin? compared to online where ppl actually speak facts??
they kill cole on twitter every day btw its not just ktt
Stans in shambolics
Cuz he's a b**** and knows he can't lyrically compete with cole
cole has bars🥴 man says a whole lot of nothing
808s alone more lyrical then coles discog
“Too bold to type you, too rich to fight you, calm down you lightskin”
U just said he doesn’t rap at niggas.
Then quoted lyrics of him rapping at niggas.
Earth shattering diss, wow he really went in with that one
Well he was never an emcee, so obviously the diss was subpar. Still a shot though
u mean real life where people shrivel into their shells and try desperately to fit in with the immediate people around them to feel comfortable in they own skin? compared to online where ppl actually speak facts??
they kill cole on twitter every day btw its not just ktt
Lol hiding behind a screen hatin on someone to fit in is ok tho? Lmaoooooooo
cole has bars🥴 man says a whole lot of nothing
808s alone more lyrical then coles discog
Trashest take in the thread
Well he was never an emcee, so obviously the diss was subpar. Still a shot though
Lmao so every bar aimed at someone = a diss?? There are no disses in that line
Lol hiding behind a screen hatin on someone to fit in is ok tho? Lmaoooooooo
is it hating or speaking the truth?? cole has 1 good album lol
Crazy how we got a Drake stan in here talking about not rapping back
The ingredients were overwhelming- J Prince
man peaked with a mixtape and decided to stir the pot a decade later by clout chasing using a legends name. you hate to see it
The people arguing against me itt
is it hating or speaking the truth?? cole has 1 good album lol
Hatin. I never see mfs hate on j Cole in real life. I see more clowning on Ye rather than Cole on twitter. But go off sis
You a Rico Suave, nigga
Ride around listening to Sade, nigga
If you ain't with us, you in our way, nigga
You an actor, you should be on Broadway, nigga
Cause you do s*** the broad way, nigga
that part is hard but reading it now reminding me of this meme