People posted s*** like this:
"ok dis hard"
"crine brine diine"
"crine u mad as s***"
"crine u brad as pitt"
The nostalgia
Ain’t no pizza get out
I sometimes say this s*** to this day. An absolute classic
‘Phaggot’ (don’t ban me pls)
Shoutout Lon fgt
Holy s*** that little red bird
when bra used to be the bruh
There was that one guy who smashed his aunt and somehow life sxn let that thread be a thing
People posted s*** like this:
"ok dis hard"
"crine brine diine"
"crine u mad as s***"
"crine u brad as pitt"
The nostalgia
Whoa dere boi
Crine right now cause I still do
There was that one guy who smashed his aunt and somehow life sxn let that thread be a thing
KTT1 takes an absolute giant s*** on this website confirmed
Yoooo.. why did I ever come on to this site when the OG is still there?
I remember the Fight between the other Kanye site and it getting hacked..