l. The resulting narrative is much more than an entertaining and informative travelogue—it is the disturbing and fascinating story of how American death has been manipulated by popular culture, including literature, architecture, sculpture, and—the author's favorite— historical tourism. Though the themes of loss and violence are explored and we make detours to see how the Republican Party became the Republican Party, there are all kinds of lighter diversions along the way into the lives of the three presidents and their assassins, including mummies, show tunes, mean-spirited totem poles, and a nineteenth-century biblical s***cult.
Lock thread mods. Please.
Even if op is wrong you sound like a b****
Even if op is wrong you sound like a b****
WHAT? OP is making a disgusting headline that's on the verge of slandering but I SOUND LIKE A B**** ??? Wow. What if someone said something like that about a family member of yours. Guess you wouldn't protect them cuz ''it's a b**** move''?
Opens the show up with 8/10 and Mob Ties to make sure we get the message , omertĂ fr fr
You can't be the GOAT unless you've killed someone
wanna join NBA go catch a body
WHAT? OP is making a disgusting headline that's on the verge of slandering but I SOUND LIKE A B**** ??? Wow. What if someone said something like that about a family member of yours. Guess you wouldn't protect them cuz ''it's a b**** move''?
nah they’re just hating to hate here cos why would drake kill x he had no reason to and a bunch of weird troll tweets wasn’t gonna push drake to do that
Opens the show up with 8/10 and Mob Ties to make sure we get the message , omertĂ fr fr
I mean to be fair, he is the Petty King and The Overseer of Many Things, was this truly out of character or was Drizzy Corleone going about another day in his life?
nah they’re just hating to hate here cos why would drake kill x he had no reason to and a bunch of weird troll tweets wasn’t gonna push drake to do that
Triple xxx sms , we don’t shoot below the neck - one week after x died
Louis bags exchanged for body bags
Drake just living his raps accept it it’s all nonfiction