The site admins have recently increased our member limit, so every backlogged request has been fulfilled with room to spare. Feel free to join!
Dead sxn sadly
Please join
Dead sxn sadly
Please join
It is, but a some of that is because there were a dozen+ requests that couldn’t be accepted. It can still be good as a quiet place for conversation. I don’t expect it to ever be super active, but just having it around is valuable.
Seems like it’d work better as a stickied thread IMO
A lot of these sections are invisible to many users lol
Edit: Or display all the sections that you need to req access for somewhere unless they already doing that
Seems like it’d work better as a stickied thread IMO
A lot of these sections are invisible to many users lol
Edit: Or display all the sections that you need to req access for somewhere unless they already doing that
a locked sxns directory, if they could choose whether they want to be displayed on the list or not, would be cool
No problem with a LGBT section but very interesting...
And we still ain’t get that Black section
Be the change you want to see in the world bby
Gotta pester the admins until they relent
The main reason there’s even a section in the first place is as an acknowledgement that the old site was awful with homophobia/transphobia. This way you can discuss more personal stuff without getting harassed. We did have a thread in the Life section but it was crowding things as a sticky and fell off.
Can we get a list of all sxns on ktt?
The site admins have recently increased our member limit, so every backlogged request has been fulfilled with room to spare. Feel free to join!
Hello can I join this sxn OP? I want to have a place to be able to talk about transitioning, Idk if your sxn is still active or not but I woild appreciate it
And we still ain’t get that Black section
Admission to that mf need tk be strict as f***
With a hair texture test, video call, and all that
Does the aspec community (asexual/aromantic) qualify for the sxn or no?