i remember people used to talk to me and i would be like why are you talking to me everyone hates me subconsciously in my head i never knew that this was anxiety until yesterday. what im trying to get across is that you should take extreme worry if you see differences in your mental.
i remember people used to talk to me and i would be like why are you talking to me everyone hates me subconsciously in my head i never knew that this was anxiety until yesterday. what im trying to get across is that you should take extreme worry if you see differences in your mental.
yeah man anxietys a b****..
im a hypochondriac and i constantly think im going insane or gonna die. s*** sucks.
yeah man anxietys a b****..
im a hypochondriac and i constantly think im going insane or gonna die. s*** sucks.
is that the davidp
yeah man anxietys a b****..
im a hypochondriac and i constantly think im going insane or gonna die. s*** sucks.
welcome back brother
i remember people used to talk to me and i would be like why are you talking to me everyone hates me subconsciously in my head i never knew that this was anxiety until yesterday. what im trying to get across is that you should take extreme worry if you see differences in your mental.
Read The Solution to Social Anxiety by Aziz Gazipura, I have the same issues as you and the book helped me realize a lot about myself and why I think/act the way I do. Got it off Pirate Bay, I recommend making notes and actually implementing what the book says in your life (might be tough with the lockdown but being willing to make a change is the first step)