God damn this game aged like fine wine. The f***ing graphics are crazy good for a ps3 game, The world is so alive, you'll just walk somewhere and see a gang of cowboys riding out of town or see some criminal getting chased so many games from this gen don't even come close to how alive this game is. Da gameplay lowkey might be better then rdr2. It's realistic but not so much to the point where it's annoying. Shooting some poor b****** in his foot and watching him limp away
haven't even made it past the first part of the map and wow
plus one of the GREATEST dlcs ever with undead nightmare
it sucks that online has completely replaced expansions in the industry
plus one of the GREATEST dlcs ever with undead nightmare
it sucks that online has completely replaced expansions in the industry
that DLC seriously might be the best ever.
plus one of the GREATEST dlcs ever with undead nightmare
it sucks that online has completely replaced expansions in the industry
Yeh undead nightmare goat. Still can't believe they didn't make a dlc for rdr2. They could have done so much with the map and the story. I guess focusing on online is just much easier and makes more money
Playing it on the series x rn and man it looks good in 4k
Man im playing it on my ps3 and was wondering how good this s*** would look upscaled. Could pass as an early ps4 game tbh
What a reddit title
All they had to do was copy/paste the online from RDR1.... RDR 2 would’ve been the perfect sequel
Instead we got that GTAO s***
RDR2 single player tho
they not making a remake
They will def do a remake for their best game, take 2 already said they intrested in doing remakes and not remasters
just could take some time
They will def do a remake for their best game, take 2 already said they intrested in doing remakes and not remasters
just could take some time
Long as no remakes taking time away from they new s*** which already takes ages at this point
People talking about online for RDR2 like it's stopping expansions, that s*** is trash and barely played going off steam numbers. I'd imagine it'd mirror similarly on consoles, cuz who the hell is playing RDR2 multiplayer?
Only 10k players at the moment steamcharts.com/app/1174180
Compared to a near decade old game in GTA 5 with 78k right now steamcharts.com/app/271590
If anything preventing an expansion it's them making so much money off GTA's online that they don't even need to bother with putting time and resources into making expansions