So basically the vaccine is futile, we're f***ed
"There is currently no evidence that animals, including mink, play a significant role in transmitting the virus to humans, according to the CDC and the US Department of Agriculture. The risk of animals spreading Covid-19 to humans is considered low."
from same article, at least something hopeful to get from it
"Now, scientists who have reviewed the data say the mutations themselves aren’t particularly concerning because there is little evidence that they allow the virus to spread more easily among people, make it more deadly or will jeopardize therapeutics and vaccines."
So basically the vaccine is futile, we're f***ed
"Now, scientists who have reviewed the data say the mutations themselves aren’t particularly concerning because there is little evidence that they allow the virus to spread more easily among people, make it more deadly or will jeopardize therapeutics and vaccines."
lock thread lol
Why do you say the vaccine is futile? The article you linked doesn't seem to imply that, it's just news that a mink farm got infected
Why do you say the vaccine is futile? The article you linked doesn't seem to imply that, it's just news that a mink farm got infected
This will create a different strain, like situation in Dutch mink farms.
This will nullify the vaccine, they said that current vaccines had no effect on the mink strain
Are you ok man? You are a very morbid person
Imagine ever feeling good, I don't understand that feeling