to a degree he's actually right; not because of the topic being right per-se, but because republican voters are definitely watching with a VERY close eye. regardless of the morality of it, GOP voters definitely want their candidates to say something. they're watching who is and isn't quiet, both pundits and politicians. republicans who aren't saying anything when R voters are this heated should be weary of their primaries in 2022.
Well this says two things
Republican politicians were always using Trump’s cult base to their advantage (which was obvious if for anybody who paid attention how they blended over backwards after Trump won in 16 when they were attacking him like crazy during the primaries)
And that I personally think that Republicans are f***ed because there isn’t a Republican in Congress who has close to a cult following like Trump, so it’s going to be hard. Plus a lot of his MAGA heads won’t forgive those who said nothing right now and choose not to vote for them in the future
Incumbents that lose are treated terribly lol.
Well this says two things
Republican politicians were always using Trump’s cult base to their advantage (which was obvious if for anybody who paid attention how they blended over backwards after Trump won in 16 when they were attacking him like crazy during the primaries)
And that I personally think that Republicans are f***ed because there isn’t a Republican in Congress who has close to a cult following like Trump, so it’s going to be hard. Plus a lot of his MAGA heads won’t forgive those who said nothing right now and choose not to vote for them in the future
1) absolutely, like 80% of republicans are absolute frauds. i don't think anyone would deny this even republican pundits. it's why they hate people like Graham (who is only elected because they think dems are worse lol). there are people in the party who genuinely like Trump though, even moreso after this election; people like Cotton in the Senate or many, many peple in the house.
2) i don't think I agree with this. Cruz & Cotton are rising stars and to a lesser degree Hawley & Gosar. Cotton (the guy who wrote a NYT article advocating gunning down protestors) is extremely popular in Trump circles and Cruz has done nothing but elevate his presence since 2016, both internally and in the mainstream, including big media circuits, starting his own podcast, etc. Cruz will definitely run in 2024. I do agree with the second part though; MAGA people will not forget people doing nothing right now. However, Trump came out of nowhere in the 2016 primary; I would not be surprised if party "outsiders" became a big part of GOP primaries, faux-populist (or perhaps even actual populists in the future) which take advantage of Trumpisms. Trump gained a cult following politically in less than a year. It can be repeated when the groundwork is already there.
to a degree he's actually right; not because of the topic being right per-se, but because republican voters are definitely watching with a VERY close eye. regardless of the morality of it, GOP voters definitely want their candidates to say something. they're watching who is and isn't quiet, both pundits and politicians. republicans who aren't saying anything when R voters are this heated should be weary of their primaries in 2022.
Trump is the republican party now
Trump is the republican party now
exactly, that's what i'm saying, therefore any republican not supporting trump looks terrible to GOP voters
Shouldn't be too surprising if you saw what happened with the republican primaries in 2016.
This means all those Republicans trump supporters got to go too
You know who I'm talking about, the media puppets and grifters, byeeeee
Those anti-Trump Republicans don't exist lmao don't buy into Lincoln Project propaganda
Wait is Fox News finally turning on him?
And yeah this shouldn't be a surprise
Their Biden projection counts are even more pro-Biden than CNN and NYT. Kinda funny to see the betrayal
Those anti-Trump Republicans don't exist lmao don't buy into Lincoln Project propaganda
I would disagree but after seeing how high Trump's voter turnout was after this year