Best in the serious is a stretch but definitely woulda been better than the mess we got
I remember how hyped I was when I saw that trailer back in 2007. Capcom sure did fool the teenage me :pog:
You aren't a true RE fan if you're actually happy about them remaking 4. sorry
dont apologize for your elitist behaviour
dont apologize for your elitist behaviour
I don't wanna see you cry when they cut half the village, more than half the castle and replace the island with a NEST 3
I don't wanna see you cry when they cut half the village, more than half the castle and replace the island with a NEST 3
jokes on you i havent played the og
I remember how hyped I was when I saw that trailer back in 2007. Capcom sure did fool the teenage me :pog:
Co op was fun with the homies tho
Bruh just make RE8 with the RE2 remake engine and give us a full game please!!
I'm not buying a 5 hour long RE4 remake and whatever s***ty new gimmick they have planned for RE8. Capcom is GOAT but makes the weirdest marketing decisions sometimes
Play the og first my guy
Think he means hd remaster which is the same thing
would you guys when them to tone the cheesy parts down or leave them in tact... or even go all in with the cheese. im talking about the later half of the game specifically. .
would you guys when them to tone the cheesy parts down or leave them in tact... or even go all in with the cheese. im talking about the later half of the game specifically. .
So many incredible one liners theyre going to get rid of
would you guys when them to tone the cheesy parts down or leave them in tact... or even go all in with the cheese. im talking about the later half of the game specifically. .
keep it