I saw ppl on reddit saying this was fake. Any possibility of this being real?
I saw ppl on reddit saying this was fake. Any possibility of this being real?
I wouldn't be surprised if it's real tbh... But we'll see soon if it is. But it sounds real to me so far
I wouldn't be surprised if it's real tbh... But we'll see soon if it is. But it sounds real to me so far
Yeah same. Regardless I want it bad enough to believe it but we’ll see soon
Hopefully we get something fs
Yeah same. Regardless I want it bad enough to believe it but we’ll see soon
Hopefully we get something fs
Exactly and I hope that Resident Evil 2 Remake/Resident Evil 7 is next as they deserve to get upgraded etc. too!
Exactly and I hope that Resident Evil 2 Remake/Resident Evil 7 is next as they deserve to get upgraded etc. too!
That’d be awesome too lol
Always down for more RE
That’d be awesome too lol
Always down for more RE
Yeah right? And I haven't got them yet so it would be the right time to get them if they do get a next-gen version of them too
Yeah right? And I haven't got them yet so it would be the right time to get them if they do get a next-gen version of them too
Word man you got some great experiences ahead especially if we get this new RE3
The og was crazy. Need the content they cut from it fs
Word man you got some great experiences ahead especially if we get this new RE3
The og was crazy. Need the content they cut from it fs
Exactly it would be nice if they added all or most of the content they did cut from RE 3 and maybe other RE games as well
Non-VR version of the game please... And for PS5 etc. too please
Yes I do have it for the PS4... But I mean if a "Remake" is really been made so do I hope that this isn't it and one is coming in 2022 or 2023 hopefully for the PS5, PC etc.
I remember reading about it been a full "Remake" fam... So the question is when it'll be out if it's even real. But if this is just it... Then oh well
Well I won't mind some remasters/remakes, then a sequel to "Revelations" and then of course a Resident Evil 9... I just don't want them to rush any of them and give us some good games to look forward to and play
@kotaandtess Yes it is famo.
Exactly it would be nice if they added all or most of the content they did cut from RE 3 and maybe other RE games as well
Non-VR version of the game please... And for PS5 etc. too please
Another version of RE4? Lol cool it’s in VR though hopefully they give is that option for the remake too
Guess xbox won’t be getting this version will it?
I hope so... And if not so do I hope that she appears in Resident Evil: Revelations 3 or Resident Evil 9 tbh besides the remasters/remakes of the remaining Resident Evil games that didn't get one... Well you know didn't get remade
@Loco6520 I hope so fam. And yes Xbox won't get it so far.
Is 7 any good?
7 singlehandedly saved the RE franchise when it was on its last legs. Amazing game in my opinion except some of the last bit drags a little. Still 100% worth a play tho.
Is 7 any good?
you can just google your question and get an answer but yea, it’s amazing