lol I'm a Stan, but I said what I said.
Bought Kamikaze and 2 copies of MTBMB.
Your f***ing lying about being a stan just to s*** on him, dont lie to me. Im not gonna sit back and let you lie about it
What a terrible thread, OP has no taste
You have no f***en p**** b****boy. Thats why u finna be on my site, on MY PROPERTY IN THIS THREAD WHICH I MADE AND YOU COME IN CUZ UR JEALOUS I MADE SOMETHNG OF MY LIFE AND YOU DIDNT MAKE THIS THREAD, just to s*** on me and Em
How are those songs trash f***boy
Why are you upset about the fact your little 'rap god' is making unquestionably trash music
If you dont think this is a fire song you gotta be the f***en dumbest piece of s*** on Earth
How about you @ me next time your gonna s*** on my profile picture my brother made
Why are you upset about the fact your little 'rap god' is making unquestionably trash music
If you think this is trash your literally a f***en moron
How about you @ me next time your gonna s*** on my profile picture my brother made
Idc who made it
S*** is trash
Your f***ing lying about being a stan just to s*** on him, dont lie to me. Im not gonna sit back and let you lie about it
Damn b**** are you gona cry, u gonna f***en cry. How does tht make me 12 years old to talk about a top 5 DOA rapper like Marshall tha Alien aka Slim "The Baby" Shady aka Marshall Hendrix
Idc who made it
S*** is trash
Your f***ing trash
if you dont like this s*** Im not gonna take u ssriously simple @ that
Whats that supposed to mean f***boy. Whats that picture supposed to me. Huh you reaonnga gonna use on some cartoons just to s*** on me when your not even man enough to spit out and say what you reallt think
Bullshit, Kamikaze was prime em and u know it. The Ringer and fall were MMLP tier and TES tier and you f***en know it. Your saying its not only 2 appeal to the haters in thi thread by saying its not as hot as you knwo it s. I see what ur tryna do and Im not gonna f***en stand for it
"and Im not gonna f***ing stand for it"
"and Im not gonna f***ing stand for it"
Whats that dead carton face supposed to mean, is that u mean your gonna stab me with that? So your gonna threaten to f***en murder me in te face and your to p**** to even say it so you gotta draw cartoons
Whats that supposed to mean f***boy. Whats that picture supposed to me. Huh you reaonnga gonna use on some cartoons just to s*** on me when your not even man enough to spit out and say what you reallt think
i cant tell whether this is some elaborate stan gimmick or what. where are all these goofy nicknames coming from.
i cant tell whether this is some elaborate stan gimmick or what. where are all these goofy nicknames coming from.
What nickname did I say in that post dipshit
What nickname did I say in that post dipshit
marshal tha alien. slim the baby shady. come on bruh
marshal tha alien. slim the baby shady. come on bruh
I ddnt say that in that post ur bringing up s*** I said before btw I didnt say Slim the baby I said Slim "The Baby" Shady not Slim the Baby dipshit
White supremacist opinion
Your a f***ing white supremacist for posting this in MY THREAD
I ddnt say that in that post ur bringing up s*** I said before btw I didnt say Slim the baby I said Slim "The Baby" Shady not Slim the Baby dipshit
my dead emoji was directly in response to those nicknames
my dead emoji was directly in response to those nicknames
No its not it it was in directly response to ME because you were tryuna say u wanted to kill me as if you could ever do that s*** cuz Im bigger than you in every way, my d*** is harder then yours could ever be, im more muscular cuz I work out, im bigger on here to and have nmore followers, your f***ing nothing compared to me loser
You try to threaten to murder me and somehow if i respond and stand my f***in ground, in MY thread none the less because its my property and i have property rights and if you come in here to sht on Marshall or me or Pop or 6ix9ine or any other rapper I like that means your banned from the thread and if u dont go when I tell you to that means your f***ing tresspassing f***boy
I didnt even post about Nav whats this in the thread. Are you sneakshitting on me or Marshall?