Saving up till next week
Yeah Ngl I made it to Saturday without watching might as well now lol
Yeah Ngl I made it to Saturday without watching might as well now lol
I’m trying hard but I’m gonna break soon
I’m trying hard but I’m gonna break soon
Only reason I made it was cuz I had a s*** ton of work lmao. The one time it actually comes in handy
Only reason I made it was cuz I had a s*** ton of work lmao. The one time it actually comes in handy
Only 4 more episodes left in the season too
idk why but up until last night i thought these were like 22 minute mini episodes. had no idea some of them were an hour + long.
Agreed, but thankfully they still getting a solid amount of hype. So I expect no problems with renewals.
I’m still hoping nbc airs it in the summer or something to build up a bigger audience. A lot of scenes would probably fall flat if they’re censored tho
I would never tell a lady when to stop sucking?
Bro came out the gate swangin I'm crying
Dope. Well deserved.
This show is pure fun.
Need that as a smiley :smugcharlie:
Went in seeing the reviews and expecting something really profound. Isn’t quite that at all because it’s basically just a super amazing procedural, but I really enjoy it as a comfort show.
Kind of reminds me of the old Tim Roth show “Lie to Me” mixed with the NPH Netflix version of A Series of Unfortunate Events (in terms of how there’s always a new distinct setting each episode and she always coincidentally ends up there).