Anyone have 320 tour part 1?
unfortunately my moms was one of them
Rip to your mom, hope you’re in a better place now bro
No thug and quan squash and tape
I was holding out hope for this forever even if it seemed mad unlikely
this applies more than ever now
its so crazy that the lifestyle and industry we glorify is actually causing more harm to everyone incuding the people in it. f*** money tbh
Shh can't say this too loud
Rip to your mom, hope you’re in a better place now bro
Thanks brodie, for the most part i’m good but it hits me every once in a while
Incredibly sad man damn
very sad news RIP
Literally wrote about Bankroll Fresh a few days prior to this as well. What s***ty timing.
Still Goin In - Reloaded, Trust God F*** 12, I Promise I Will Never Stop Going In, and Tha Tour Pt. 1 are some seriously pivotal tapes in the mid-2010s Atlanta scene.
Shame bro never got a second wind. Can't believe it if true man