Whats it take to call your brother?
Just to say you miss him and you wish you could spend time
Yea I know that those facilities would be paid by our tax dollars, I’m personally fine with knowing my tax dollars would be used to insure everyone receives adequate healthcare. And a lot of lives could be saved
And yes rehab doesn’t always work, but throwing an addict in prison does wayyy more harm than good. It just makes it harder to adjust to life when they get out, and sends them deeper in to d****
Do you realize how much local help there is for addicts!?!?
They almost never take up anything their communities are offering and when they do they leave. What you're suggesting isnt a foreign concept outside of it being free.
Rehab has been a part of probation/parole conditions for forever.
I once had 160 hours of community service, & served it at a rehab facility here in Dallas. Facility offered them everything they needed. How many you think stuck around? You dont sound like you have a lot of experience with actual addicts.
We can agree to disagree.
I'm kinda speechless, cause of death isn't confirmed right? Not listening to motherfuckers on the web trying to get a scoop, I want official confirmation.
I'm kinda speechless, cause of death isn't confirmed right? Not listening to motherfuckers on the web trying to get a scoop, I want official confirmation.
His friend said bad pill so likely true
Literally this bro. Its a cycle.
I had a cousin that sold so much of my grandma s*** for d****. S*** she had for decades. We tried but she never let us beat his ass.
We lost my grandma because my 2 youngest uncles became addicts and when one died, her heart couldn’t handle it. Used to send her money and they used to steal it for d**** and she never knew where the money kept disappearing to
Completely a cycle. People will never understand unless they live through it.. I STILL freak out over torn up cotton balls I see in OTHER peoples homes.. people have ZERO idea how utterly f***ing debilitating and destructive addiction is for those just AROUND addiction unless they been there.. I relapsed on zans just trying to take care of someone I loved who was even TRYING to get sober off fent .. I'm good now but it's no picknick and I still get nervous even tho other person takes f***ing SHOTS of sublocade and been sober a year now.. I even agree you SHOULD be allowed to beat the persons ass on some sopranos Christopher moltisante s***.. like tough love is REQUIRED. Damn im gettin all worked up agin but you don't know how right you are man.. f***ing had to LEARN cpr on the phone while this person nearly DIED in my arms as the emt had to come with the narcam in a SNOW STORM.. thank god they did
Ppl really don't get it man. Rip Rich and please god can we just eliminate these d**** :(
I'm glad you doing good man.
Bro, trust me if it wouldnt have tore my grandma up even more we would've beat his ass everytime.
His friend said bad pill so likely true
Damn, RIP, I wanna say "drug glorification needs to stop, at least in media" but it won't
Do you realize how much local help there is for addicts!?!?
They almost never take up anything their communities are offering and when they do they leave. What you're suggesting isnt a foreign concept outside of it being free.
Rehab has been a part of probation/parole conditions for forever.
I once had 160 hours of community service, & served it at a rehab facility here in Dallas. Facility offered them everything they needed. How many you think stuck around? You dont sound like you have a lot of experience with actual addicts.
We can agree to disagree.
brother it’s a crippling disease, don’t conflate struggling w addiction/relapsing and not wanting help
I'm glad you doing good man.
Bro, trust me if it wouldnt have tore my grandma up even more we would've beat his ass everytime.
Ty man I appreciate it
Realized you gotta put the oxygen mask on yourself before you try to help others fix it on 🤝🏽💯
And dude I completely understand you I wanted to beat the s*** out of this person obvi couldn't lol.. their dad smacked s*** out of them still nothing. They needed an ass whooping by their own admission lol
We lost my grandma because my 2 youngest uncles became addicts and when one died, her heart couldn’t handle it. Used to send her money and they used to steal it for d**** and she never knew where the money kept disappearing to
The s*** tear families apart in ways some people cant understand.
People in the family that aint even on the d**** always suffer the most. The kids. The actual support system. Everybody.