Really disappointing season
With all the infinite possibilities they have they’re still treading similar ground and the writing has fallen off
It’s crazy that they took so long out to finish the season and had a big mid season break for a total of 10 episodes and manage to not stick the landing at all
Some gems in here sure but if this is how the show is gonna be im quickly losing interest
I’m a couple episodes behind but I’ve enjoyed the season so far
I’m a couple episodes behind but I’ve enjoyed the season so far
It’s not bad by any means just compared to season 1 and 2 it’s really disappointing where the show has progressed to
y'all keep saying "shit season" but this season was actually great, as great as all the other seasons.
Some people just expected something that they didnt get in every episode lol.
Seems like a lot of people didnt like this season because the story just didnt go the way they expected it to. And that there were episodes that didnt move the story forward. But you have to remember they still have like 70 episodes to make. Let them take their time and tell the story they want to make
It’s not bad by any means just compared to season 1 and 2 it’s really disappointing where the show has progressed to
Seasons 1 and 2 aren’t superior to 4 at all. I think all these seasons have their moments.
Really tbh the highs of 3 and 4 are far better then the highs of 1 and 2 tbh
And every season has been episodic with certain episodes growing a over arching narrative throughout.
I'm sure eventually we will see Evil Morty again and all that other stuff, but this season the creators made it clear that they refuse to cater to fans and give them exactly what they want .
I'm sure eventually we will see Evil Morty again and all that other stuff, but this season the creators made it clear that they refuse to cater to fans and give them exactly what they want .
I think what they’re trying to make clear is that they don’t wanna force anything that doesn’t seem natural to the story.
season 3 was garbage asf only good episode was the premiere
Did you forget The Ricklantis Mixup was season 3?
I think what they’re trying to make clear is that they don’t wanna force anything that doesn’t seem natural to the story.
Im actually glad the creators are smart enough not to get corny and turn every other episode into some kinda drama that follows a "story" about Ricks past and s*** lol.
I loved this show because of Rick and Mortys adventures through space.
it's truly one of the few shows worth watching rn
you can tell the writers put a ton of time into the dialogue, storyline, research behind scientific ideas, social commentary etc
they don't rehash common tv tropes but rather innovate them at times. most shows are so predictable. these writers are informed.
finished season 4 tn. s4 wasnt as good as previous but it was still damn good. vat of acid episode and the finale were high points. real cliffhanger man. i gotta watch the webisodes in the mean time.
Season finale was cool for what it was. Better than the season 3 finales imo. As of now, my rankings so far are s2>s1>s3>s4
I’ll never understand why people take this show so seriously. It’s a funny show but how tf are people geeking out over this? People are really stressing out over a storyline from a show that barely takes itself seriously. These heavy moments in the show are a drag bruh. I just wanna f***ing chuckle.
I’ll never understand why people take this show so seriously. It’s a funny show but how tf are people geeking out over this? People are really stressing out over a storyline from a show that barely takes itself seriously. These heavy moments in the show are a drag bruh. I just wanna f***ing chuckle.
It's peak white nerd "I'm so much smarter than everyone" power fantasy
Y'all didn't like S4?
I loved it. It's crazy but it all connects at the end of every episode
Season 4 is dope but Promortyus is definitely the worst episode of the entire series imo
Anyone who actually watched this show from season 1 til now can tel you there was a HUGE change in Season 4
It seemed like the personality behind the writing changed. A new attitude. Worse.
It seemed like new interns tasked to try to emulate the brilliance of old
This season, the Vat episode and Finale were amazing, felt like the old Rick and morty
If u enjoyed the rest of season 4, good for you, but you can’t say it wasn’t completely different than s1-3 for the most part
I personally thought it was wack and cringe af. Kind of just bizarre and aimless
The animation aspect has never been better tho
Anyone who actually watched this show from season 1 til now can tel you there was a HUGE change in Season 4
It seemed like the personality behind the writing changed. A new attitude. Worse.
It seemed like new interns tasked to try to emulate the brilliance of old
This season, the Vat episode and Finale were amazing, felt like the old Rick and morty
If u enjoyed the rest of season 4, good for you, but you can’t say it wasn’t completely different than s1-3 for the most part
I personally thought it was wack and cringe af. Kind of just bizarre and aimless
The animation aspect has never been better tho
I think you’re just finally realizing how pretentious the show has always been