Man HBO Max blessed us something crazy with this Rick and Morty Dedicated channel
theres so much other s*** that would've been a better spin off
feel like something happened to this show’s quality control after the first 2 seasons
The marketing has been piss-poor for the new season. It's not that people don't want more it's that they don't know when will they get it. I have told like 3 of my friends who love watching the show that a new season was coming this Sunday, they didn't know it and thought I was trolling.
feel like something happened to this show’s quality control after the first 2 seasons
Something has been off since the first 2 seasons tbh. And idk if it was necessarily just the weird ass audience that came out of it.
Man HBO Max blessed us something crazy with this Rick and Morty Dedicated channel
Is it just the episodes or all kinds of extra scenes and cool animation side stuff that adult swim does
10/10 episode, f***in hilarious
So happy they decided to hit the ground running this season. This episode was batshit crazy
And already so much great character development
I already love Morty this season, mans is slowly turning in to Rick Jr if we are being honest
So happy they decided to hit the ground running this season. This episode was batshit crazy
And already so much great character development
the show hasn’t lost it’s touch whatsoever
I already love Morty this season, mans is slowly turning in to Rick Jr if we are being honest
I've been thinking about that since like two seasons ago
Morty finna have the craziest character development