  • Jun 28, 2021

    Aboslutly dreadful episode, just violence p*** at this point, s*** fell way off

    Episode 1 was pretty good so I’m hopeful

  • Jun 28, 2021

    both eps great so far

  • This episode will divide the fanbase. One half is showing up for brilliantly written episodes of TV and the other half is here purely for wacky scifi based violence. This episode was herb bait.

  • Jun 28, 2021

    Mid episode but post credits made up for it

  • Episode was aight, wasnt too engaged in it.

    Post credit scene was great as others have stated

    Interesting to see the Rick nerf. I think it was needed, although I do miss him being more OP sometimes.

  • Jun 28, 2021

    great episode

  • proper 🔩
    Jun 29, 2021

    Idk what crack you guys are smoking, literally nothing happened. Rick and co killing other versions of themselves is the lowest hanging of Rick and Morty plot threads and it was scene after scene of that with nothing else interesting going on.

    this. they do a rick and family vs rick and family clone ep like twice every season

  • Jun 29, 2021

    watched this episode and it was cool but not as good as the first one. I finally finished season 4 today too and the cat of acid episode and the season 4 finale were both crazy. I was sleeping fr

  • Jun 29, 2021

    Aboslutly dreadful episode, just violence p*** at this point, s*** fell way off

    you’re trippin.

  • Jun 29, 2021

    Like others have said, not a great episode. It was just the same thing over and over with no actual plot. Like what happened? Nothing lol.

    Post-credit scene was only redeeming part....

  • Jun 29, 2021

    I was thinking this too lol was surprised people like it

    The whole episode I was waiting for a payoff but it was just more of the same. The twists weren’t really that clever to justify the gag being dragged a whole episode.

    I feel like that was the point. It was a "decoy" episode...

  • Jun 29, 2021

    i personally enjoy the chaotic, creative, and fun episodes. Thats what i like most about rick and morty but you can tell even through these episodes the characters are developing.

  • Jun 29, 2021

    Yea I never understood the complaint for this show when someone says a certain episode didn't push forward the plot. This show is going for like 6 more seasons, the creators have PLENTY of time to tell the story they want to tell. Nothing wrong with a few fun episodes

  • Jun 29, 2021
    2 replies

    Guys there isn't really an overall narrative here. It's not trying to reach anywhere. It's just a fun show about Sci fi.

    They tried to advance the plot in season 3 and they backtracked on that

  • I didn’t even know season 5 was in production already, let alone dropped

  • Jun 29, 2021
    Bo Ceephus

    Guys there isn't really an overall narrative here. It's not trying to reach anywhere. It's just a fun show about Sci fi.

    They tried to advance the plot in season 3 and they backtracked on that

    I mean I’m not even necessarily talking about some big overarching plot. Just like for the episode.

    There was no plot even within the episode.

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    Guys there isn't really an overall narrative here. It's not trying to reach anywhere. It's just a fun show about Sci fi.

    They tried to advance the plot in season 3 and they backtracked on that

    I’m not saying they need to be plot driven I’m saying the running gag of the episode wasn’t that funny. Throughout the episode I was waiting for something funnier or new to justify the clones/tie all the elements together. The ending was just .. nope more clones.

    From start to end it was the same thing being done in a different way but they didn’t pull it off. Episodes like interdimensional cable are still funny without having a real plot.

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply

    I’m not saying they need to be plot driven I’m saying the running gag of the episode wasn’t that funny. Throughout the episode I was waiting for something funnier or new to justify the clones/tie all the elements together. The ending was just .. nope more clones.

    From start to end it was the same thing being done in a different way but they didn’t pull it off. Episodes like interdimensional cable are still funny without having a real plot.

    I can agree with that point. But I didn't think it was bad. Just not as good as what I'd hope

  • Jun 29, 2021
    Bo Ceephus

    I can agree with that point. But I didn't think it was bad. Just not as good as what I'd hope

    Oh yea I didn’t mean to say it’s s*** but I just didn’t like it

  • Jun 29, 2021

    MFs still talking about plots, since when was the show about plots except for like a couple of episodes? lmao

    Its always been like this, and both of these episodes were great.

    Literally watch the first season, its been the same.

  • Jun 29, 2021

    felt like a family guy episode

    just rehashes of the same joke with no context spread thin over 20 mins

  • Jul 5, 2021

    This one sucked

  • Jul 5, 2021

    I’m still watching because its peaks were some of the funniest television in recent history but it’s hard not to notice how much its declined the past couple seasons
