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  • Apr 3, 2023

    How they go from a possible Dec 2022 release to now Nov 2023

  • Apr 3, 2023
    3 replies

    How was the vibe in the set?

    Man I can’t say too much without even the trailer out yet, but absolutely unreal. The stuff we shot was incredibly epic in scale and execution.

  • Apr 3, 2023
    1 reply

    Man I can’t say too much without even the trailer out yet, but absolutely unreal. The stuff we shot was incredibly epic in scale and execution.

    how many people were on set on the times you were there?

  • Apr 3, 2023
    2 replies

    how many people were on set on the times you were there?

    I know that seems like an innocuous detail, but I’d rather not say at this point just in case that is in violation of the NDA.

  • JoshCamOp

    I know that seems like an innocuous detail, but I’d rather not say at this point just in case that is in violation of the NDA.

    That’s real it’s not worth it lol

  • Apr 4, 2023
    1 reply

    Man I can’t say too much without even the trailer out yet, but absolutely unreal. The stuff we shot was incredibly epic in scale and execution.

    What else have you been a part of recently?

  • Apr 4, 2023

    I had to try lmao

  • Apr 4, 2023
    1 reply

    I know that seems like an innocuous detail, but I’d rather not say at this point just in case that is in violation of the NDA.

    aight, no worries bro.

    how did you get involved in the film?

  • Apr 4, 2023
    1 reply

    aight, no worries bro.

    how did you get involved in the film?

    A remote head/aerial company, that I am involved with, brings me on to each project that they are a part of.

  • Apr 4, 2023
    8 replies

    What else have you been a part of recently?

  • Apr 4, 2023
    1 reply

    Man I can’t say too much without even the trailer out yet, but absolutely unreal. The stuff we shot was incredibly epic in scale and execution.

    Did you shoot battle scenes?

  • Apr 4, 2023
    1 reply

    Did you shoot battle scenes?

    When the trailer drops, I’ll point out what I was a part of.

  • JoshCamOp

    Heck of a body of work - nice stuff. Very keen for new Perry Mason.

  • Apr 4, 2023

    When the trailer drops, I’ll point out what I was a part of.

    I’ll be seeing it. I can nitpick anything about this film.

  • Apr 4, 2023
    1 reply

    Crazy resume

    on a scale of 1-10 how excited are you for secret invasion?

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Apr 4, 2023

    bro making classics

  • Apr 4, 2023
    1 reply

    Crazy resume

    on a scale of 1-10 how excited are you for secret invasion?

    10. To be honest, I am not the biggest fan of Marvel/action type movies. But the ability to work on these films is incredible and it is really great to see them come out and everyone enjoying them makes me happy.

  • Apr 4, 2023
    1 reply

    Damn insane flex dude lol, resume looks crazy

  • Apr 4, 2023

    Damn insane flex dude lol, resume looks crazy

    Thanks homie! Not trying to flex again but this is my IG if you want to see some BTS.

  • Apr 4, 2023
    1 reply

    That’s super exciting man. What’s been your favorite film you’ve gotten to work on and have you had any memorable interactions with any particular cast/crew on these sets?

  • Apr 4, 2023

    That’s super exciting man. What’s been your favorite film you’ve gotten to work on and have you had any memorable interactions with any particular cast/crew on these sets?

    Favorite shoot was a documentary, Keep Sweet: Pray & Obey, where for about a year off-and-on we stayed and interviewed with both members and former members of a cult.

    Favorite set moment was on JW4. Keanu came up to me and would give me gift baskets he gets from the studios and stuff, because it was more than he needed.

    Notable moment was back when I was a PA on Top Gun: Maverick. Tom Cruise was intense but incredibly friendly and funny. I had a small interaction with him and it was memorable.

  • Apr 4, 2023
    1 reply

    A remote head/aerial company, that I am involved with, brings me on to each project that they are a part of.

    that's great! keep up the great work, nice to have you in tv&film

  • Apr 4, 2023

    that's great! keep up the great work, nice to have you in tv&film

    Thanks homie! I been looking since the first KTT for new music and movies, but never had an account. Now that all my work is coming out and I am trying to get my own films off the ground, I decided to make an account so I could talk about filmmaking and maybe post my personal work in the near future.

  • Apr 4, 2023
    1 reply

    Howd you get your foot in the door as far as the industry itself

  • Apr 4, 2023

    Howd you get your foot in the door as far as the industry itself

    Moved to LA with what I had and started doing odd jobs. I ended up working security at Bar Mitzvahs and the guy that owned the security company was an art PA and got me on this Facebook Original show (I don’t even think FB content officially launched). I got trapped in a reality world for a bit doing like Jersey Shore and s*** like that. I worked my way from a PA to an AC and a DIT. I did that for while when I met a UPM that put me in contact with a friend of hers and he got me on as a camera PA on Westworld. Things looked up until then the pandemic. Was out of work until a friend put me in touch with a documentary on Netflix. I was an additional DP and camera op which lasted about a year. From there I took some footage (with approval) and went up to that Westworld guy to show him what I had been doing. He liked it and put me in touch with an aerial cinematography/remote head company. I have been focus pulling and camera operating for them ever since.

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