the age and accent is bothering me more and more ngl and in the trailer theres a moment where he says "I lead the French victory at Toulon" which doesnt make sense for a frenchman speaking to another frenchoid to clarify in third person whose victory he lead especially if theres only one victory. it only makes sense for us in the modern day to dub it that and make that clarification but back then they wouldnt have. very lazy script!!!!!!!!!
Exactly doesn’t sound right at all
back then people looked like grandpas at 21 years old, it's fine!
Napoleon didn’t tho, he is mostly described as looking younger than his age
year almost over and we still got Ridley, Scorsese, Mann and Fincher films coming
I almost don’t want to watch the theatrical cut and just wait for the four hour version
I almost don’t want to watch the theatrical cut and just wait for the four hour version is great till you realize the directors cut will be out like Dec 2024
They never even tried to do the assassins creed thing where dude at least had a French accent
I ain't know Napoleon was from northern U.S.
What a film to be released when France itself has been on fire recently
we got a long life still Ridley but you don’t
Maybe he should put a little more care into the mid he keeps putting out because he ain’t made anything worth a damn in over 20 years
year almost over and we still got Ridley, Scorsese, Mann and Fincher films coming
What a great year for cinema